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The most beautiful National Anthem!

Discussion in 'Free Fire Zone' started by Friedrich, Oct 14, 2004.

  1. Carl G. E. von Mannerheim

    Carl G. E. von Mannerheim Ace

    Jul 6, 2002
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    my bad, heres the most recent version adopted by the Legislature:

    At the foot hills of the Appalachian chain,
    Down through the rivers, to the coastal plain,
    There's a place that I call home,
    And I'll never be alone,
    Singin' this Carolina love song

    I've got South Carolina on my mind
    Remembering all those sunshine Summertimes,
    And the Autumns in the Smokies when the leaves turn to gold
    Touches my heart and thrills my soul to have South Carolina on my mind,
    With those clean snow-covered mountain Wintertimes
    And the white sand of the beaches and those Carolina peaches,
    I've got South Carolina on my mind.

    I'm grown now with a family of my own
    In a place that all my kids are callin' home.
    And I love this life I'm livin',
    And thank God for all He's givin',
    But my heart sings a Carolina love song

    I've got South Carolina on my mind
    Remembering all those sunshine Summertimes,
    And the Autumns in the Smokies when the leaves turn to gold
    Touches my heart and thrills my soul to have South Carolina on my mind,
    With those clean snow-covered mountain Wintertimes
    And the white sand of the beaches and those Carolina peaches,
    I've got South Carolina on my mind.
  2. Stefan

    Stefan Cavalry Rupert

    Jul 29, 2001
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    Though again, not technically a 'National' anthem is it? ;)
  3. Kaiser

    Kaiser Member

    Jun 8, 2008
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    Hello All,

    Just thought I'd let you know the links are leading me to web pages saying "File cannot be found". I may of been ignorant and just skipped messages saying the same thing and if that is true i apologize.

    On a lighter note have listen to the Anthem of Soviet Russia and must say that it is easy to get that sense of Patriotism from very Beautiful Composition. Thank you for posting these links and I hope they will be back up.


  4. bigfun

    bigfun Ace

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Karlsruhe, Baden-Wurtemburg, Germany
    The links are probably gone because this thread is 4 years old.
  5. dgmitchell

    dgmitchell Ace

    May 9, 2008
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    'Beauty is truth, truth beauty,—that is all[SIZE=-2] [/SIZE] Ye know on earth, and all ye need to know
  6. Tomcat

    Tomcat The One From Down Under

    Feb 8, 2008
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    Here is the the Austrlian Anthemm, well the main verse of the and what is said about it

    Australians all let us rejoice,
    For we are young and free;
    We’ve golden soil and wealth for toil;
    Our home is girt by sea;
    Our land abounds in nature’s gifts
    Of beauty rich and rare;
    In history’s page, let every stage
    Advance Australia Fair.
    In joyful strains then let us sing,
    Advance Australia Fair.

    Mow there is something like 6 verses to this song, and if you ask most australians they would only know this one. lol
  7. Stefan

    Stefan Cavalry Rupert

    Jul 29, 2001
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    Try God Save the Queen, no one knows more than the first verse. That said, it fantastic at dinners where they play the anthems of all officers present, GSTQ takes 30 seconds or so, The star spangled banner seems to take the best part of a week!
  8. PzJgr

    PzJgr Drill Instructor

    Dec 19, 2000
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    Jefferson, OH
    I was never too fond of the Star Spangled Banner. It doesn't sing. I do like the Russian athem 'The International'. Very patriotic. I would go with Ray Charles in making 'America the Beautiful' as the national anthem for the US.
  9. GPRegt

    GPRegt Member

    Jan 6, 2008
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    And you wouldn't be afraid to tell a Welshman that, would you???:D

    The Welsh National Anthem, Mae Hen Wlad Fy Nhadau (The Land Of My Fathers), is a cracking one, especially when it's been belted out by a packed Millenium Stadium led by Katherine Jenkins.

    I like the New Zealand National Anthem, Manaakitia mai Aotearoa (God defend New Zealand), as well. Hayley Westenra does a great job with it.

    Steve W.

    Aotearoa (pron. Eyeotayarowa) means 'Land of the Long White Cloud'
  10. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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    And you better dang well know what key to sing it in or you're gonna be stuck trying to hit some notes your vocal cords can't reach.
  11. Stefan

    Stefan Cavalry Rupert

    Jul 29, 2001
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    Happy to, I explained it to the platoon I was attached to when I worked with 2Royal Welch a couple of years back ;)

    PzJgr, the Russian anthem isn't the International, the Internationale was the anthem of the Soviet Union until 1944 (I think) when the 'Song of Stalin' (originally the anthem of the Bolshevik party, it replaced the Internationale because it was felt to be more patriotic and less concerned with the rest of the world) was introduced, the words were changed in the 1950's, 1970's and again after the fall of the USSR.
  12. macrusk

    macrusk Proud Daughter of a Canadian WWII Veteran

    Oct 14, 2007
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    As previously mentioned, not necessarily the most beautiful but national anthems are usually special to the people to whom it applies. Found the following along with other information on Canada's national anthem at National Anthem: O Canada

    Original Poem by Weir
    Originally "O Canada" was a patriotic poem by Sir Adolphe-Basile Routhier, a Quebec judge. Calixa Lavallée, the well-known Canadian composer, was commissioned to set it to music, and it was first sung in 1880 during a national convention of French Canadians in Quebec City. Many English versions have appeared, but the one which was widely accepted was written in 1908 by another judge, R. Stanley Weir, in honour of the 300th anniversary of the founding of Quebec City. It was amended in 1913, 1914 and 1916 and published in an official form at the time of the Diamond Jubilee of Confederation in 1927 and during the Royal visit of 1939. A slightly modified version of the first verse of Weir's poem was proclaimed as Canada's national anthem in 1980. The original poem of 1908 by Stanley Weir reads as follows:
    O Canada! Our home and native land!
    True patriot love thou dost in us command.
    We see thee rising fair, dear land,
    The True North, strong and free;
    And stand on guard, O Canada,
    We stand on guard for thee.
    O Canada! O Canada!
    O Canada! We stand on guard for thee.
    O Canada! We stand on guard for thee.
    O Canada! Where pines and maples grow.
    Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow.
    How dear to us thy broad domain,
    From East to Western Sea,
    Thou land of hope for all who toil!
    Thou True North, strong and free!
    O Canada! O Canada! etc.
    O Canada! Beneath thy shining skies
    May stalwart sons and gentle maidens rise,
    To keep thee steadfast through the years
    From East to Western Sea,
    Our own beloved native land!
    Our True North, strong and free!
    O Canada! O Canada! etc.
    Ruler supreme, who hearest humble prayer,
    Hold our dominion within thy loving care;
    Help us to find, O God, in thee
    A lasting, rich reward,
    As waiting for the Better Day,
    We ever stand on guard.
    O Canada! O Canada! etc.

    English Translation of the French Version of the National Anthem
    1. O Canada! Land of our forefathers
      Thy brow is wreathed with a glorious garland of flowers.
      As in thy arm ready to wield the sword,
      So also is it ready to carry the cross.
      Thy history is an epic of the most brilliant exploits. Ch.
      Thy valour steeped in faith
      Will protect our homes and our rights
      Will protect our homes and our rights.

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