It is all Roel's fault! No doubt about it! He had better ask for forgiveness when he says his prayers tonight!
Anyway... so we reckon the next 'Empire' will be China, unless: a) The Muslims of the world get their heads together and unite. b) Antichrist, Armaggedon (or plain old 'end of the world' for the atheists here!) etc end it all before China can emerge. India also has the potential to do well...
Judging the nature of the Muslim world, this is highly unlikely. They will be a threat but not an empire. Hurry up China! The screaming nutcase under my local bridge says you've only got till next sunday! :lol:
Hey, who knows, us Europeans might even get our act together, bury our differences, and form the 'United States of Europe' and become the new Empire. And pigs shall grow wings, and Roel shall be cured of his forum addiction, and I shall stop chuckling cynically... :lol:
Now the first and third I can imagine, but... :lol: By the way, by current stats you will overtake Skua in twenty days. I'd say nothing about others with possible Forum addicts if I were you!
Ah. Hm. So, anyway, I don't reckon the 'United States of Europe' has much future, although if they decided to go ahead & do it without Britain it would probably start sooner and run smoother...
I don't see any chance for a "United States of Europe", and that's good so. A Union of sovereign european nations is all we need.
It's not possible for the nations of Europe to unite so closely that they are in effect one nation or country. For that, the peoples of Europe are too old and have too much history and private identity. Under Roman rule the nations were still young and undefined, but now...
technically China is an empire (allthough a heavily manned , but weak one) they only attack defenceless countries. i.e Tibet
most frightenly for the younger generation is the rise of both china and india! i suspect both will be challenging the us in the next 50 yrs or so China more so than India... but what is worrying is that they are neighbours and not exactly on the best of terms either. If there is to be a major conflict in this century, this is where i think it will happen and there will be nothing that Usa Europe or Russia will be able to do about it!!!
China has huge business and trade , and they've touched money and they like it !!!! , there gonna want to have more of it, so communism won't last 30 more years in China.
I think China will be the next empire. It is a very big country and has an army with many soldiers. Ιt 's economy grows, USA and EU have difficulties to compete this power that starts to rise .
China's armed forces, while a lot better than they used to be, are still not as well equipped or trained, overall, as most Western forces. And they will have to master logistics a lot better than they do now if they are to conquer anyone who does not border them and/or can fight halfway decently.
I think it is more important to realize that China will not easily be exhausted, and they are enlarging their economical and demographical resources daily. Their armed forces may mess up the first time, and the second and third time but there will always be more Chinese soldiers to send in. An army of four million is nothing compared to what this country can muster with a full-scale draft.
Chinese communism hasnt been around for some time now, thats why the have big business. Global politics is too unpredictable to guess this sort of thing.In 1900 who would have thought that in 50 years the americans and russian/soviets would rule the world
[/quote] Actually Alexis de Toqueville predicted that as soon as the 1830's.... (Tough one must add that they did not actually "rule" the world, and that the Russian power was rather limited in time....)