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The Papal States: In God We Trust

Discussion in 'Other WarGames' started by Mussolini, Oct 30, 2008.

  1. Mussolini

    Mussolini Gaming Guru WW2|ORG Editor

    Sep 10, 2000
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    Festung Colorado

    Immediate Objectives:

    -Take Florence from the Rebels
    -Turn Rome into an Economic Power House
    -Secure further Rebel Settlements
    -Start the Unification of the Italian Pennisula
    -Wage Holy War on the Unbelievers

    A Look Around: The Starting Area of the Papal States


  2. Mussolini

    Mussolini Gaming Guru WW2|ORG Editor

    Sep 10, 2000
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    Festung Colorado
    The Battle of Florence

    Florence, controlled by Rebels, is a key City on the Italian Pennisula. Whomever controls it controls access to the lands to the South and the powerful trading cities in the North. The Pope himself has decided to lead an army to the Gates of Florence.

    The Pope, wearing Combat Armor.


    The Forces, assembling for the attack of Florence.


    Pavinese Crossbowmen will lead the attack. Here, they assembly outside of Florence.


    As Papal Forces neared the gate, Rebel forces opened the gate and stormed out, thinking to take the Attackers by surprise. Papal forces responded quickly, drawing the Rebels out a little further, exposing their flank to a deadly hail of Crossbow fire. The Battering Ram, abandoned, helped slow the attack of the Rebels.


    The Crossbowmen were quick on the heels of their Spear Militia, rushing into the gap once the Rebel forces routed.


    The bodies lay stacked ontop of each other around the gate, proof of the withering fire of the Crossbows.


    Fighting then took to the streets of Florence, with the Crossbowmen silencing the Rebel Archers at a distance.


    The Final battle in the town square was over quickly. Barely half the Papal Forces drew their swords in this battle.



  3. Mussolini

    Mussolini Gaming Guru WW2|ORG Editor

    Sep 10, 2000
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    Festung Colorado
    The Battle of Ajaccio

    Florence had fallen to the Papal States, effectively doubling the size of the land directly controlled by the Pope. Florence was then converted into a Castle, to produce better Military Units and to provide a strong-point of defense from the North.

    Rome, meanwhile, continues to get Economic Upgrades. The Thieves Guild has also decided to make Rome its headquarters and a small group of Assassins was created.

    The Council of Nobles decided it was time to expand the borders once more, this time requesting that the rebel settlement of Ajaccio, on the Island of Corsira, be taken by force. A General and an Army were sent by ship to Corsira, where battle soon ensued.

    Papal Spear Militia engage Rebel Archers and Spearmen inside the gates of Ajaccio. The fighting would be fierce.


    The Results of the battle. The Papal Militia Units fought hard once inside the Gates, killing many of their enemies. Rebel Archers were inaccurate, inflicting casualties on their own troops.


    Ajaccio is secured after the fighting ends, another good day for the Armies of God.


    It is not long before news of this victory spreads through out Italy. The Papal States, once consisting of only Rome, has tripled in size. To the enemies of the Pope, this is not good! Soon, Sicilians and Milanese Armies arrive on Corsira, but make no move to attack Ajaccio. Yet.


  4. Mussolini

    Mussolini Gaming Guru WW2|ORG Editor

    Sep 10, 2000
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    Festung Colorado
    The Pope Goes to War

    Pope Gregory spent a year or two in Florence, making sure all was in order before returning to Rome. It wasn't long after the capture of Ajaccio that another diplomat arrived, this time bringing news that their Sicilian Neighbors to the South had decided to declare war on the Pope.

    Pope Gregory was so angered by this news that he personally lead an Army from Rome to the South, where he encountered a Sicilian Army of equal size.


    He declared that non of the unbelievers would survive. He would use similar tactics to those he had used to take Florence, with the Crossbowmen in the front. They would be easier to replace if killed.



    The Sicilians hold the high ground and have their own crossbowmen. Much like predicted, many of the Papal Crossbowmen died, but it was better for them to die then the Armored Sergeants who would have to engage the enemy in hand-to-hand combat.


    The Battle quickly turned into a Route - of the Sicilian Forces! Condotteiri Horsemen hit the Sicilians in the Flanks, while the Armored Sergeants outclassed their Sicilian Counterparts.



    Victory was complete! Of the 1651 Papal troops, only 206 were killed. Of the 1641 Sicilian Troops, only 406 survived! The Papal Forces captured 965 Sicilian Troops, who were then executed for Crimes against the Pope once their ransom was not paid.


    This would only be the tip of the Wrath of God the Sicilians would feel!
  5. Mussolini

    Mussolini Gaming Guru WW2|ORG Editor

    Sep 10, 2000
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    Festung Colorado
    The Battle of Naples

    Pope Gregory was not done with Sicily, even after the massive victory over Sicilian Forces in the hills outside of Naples. No, he would not rest until the Sicilians had been wiped from the face of Italy. The next step was to attack Naples.

    Upon arriving at Naples, the Papal Forces began to build a battering Ram and ladders to scale the walls. Naples was the largest City Papal Forces had attacked, so it would require a little more time to conquer.

    It was decided to attack during a Thunder Storm, as the wet weather would make fire arrows ineffective against the wooden structures and to negate the effects of Arrows being fired at long distance. The Pope also decided to send 4 Units to attack the walls, to flood them with Infantry in order to secure them quickly.


    The first units reached the walls and leaped into the fray! Fighting on the walls would be fierce, but the Papal Forces overpowered the defenders, leaving a trail of bodies behind as they moved on into the City.




    Even as the Walls were secured, the Battering Ram destroyed the City Gate, allowing Cavalry to enter the City Streets.


    Papal Forces rushed into Naples, quickly making their way to the Town Center.


    Sicilian Forces had been so battered by the fighting for the City Walls that they offered little resistance in the Town Square.


    The Papal Forces were victorious once again! The Pope claimed Naples - his second conquest - and added it to the exist Papal Lands. The Sicilians had been banished from the Italian mainland, now only controlling their home City on Sicily!
  6. Mussolini

    Mussolini Gaming Guru WW2|ORG Editor

    Sep 10, 2000
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    Festung Colorado
    The Death of a King

    The Fall of Naples was a significant blow to the Sicilians. It also meant that the Papal States were halfway to their goal of unifying Italy, with the Four Northern Italian Cities still controlled by other factions.


    The Massed arms south of Ajaccio never attacked and an Assassin was dispatched to deal with their commanders. The Moors landed an Army there too, but the slick blade of the Assassin killed its 5-star General. The Assassin met his despite attempting to assassinate the Sicilian Heir, who was commanding one of the Armies.

    Rome, Florence, and Naples continue to grow. Each step bringing them closer to the next step in evolution. Rome is by far the largest City in the known world.

    The Papal Armies do not rest for long, however, and an Army is sent to Palermo, to take the last Sicilian City in Italy. It would also appear that King Simon of Sicily would be defending against the attack.


    The Attack on Palermo would be the largest attack to date. Palermo would consist of an Inner Wall and Gate and an Inner Wall and Gate. As such, Siege Equipment and battering rams would be needed for each wall and gate. Two Waves would be required.

    The 1st Wave would consist of two units armed with ladders and one unit armed with a battering ram. This 1st Wave would be identical to the 2nd Wave, though the bulk of the rest of the Army would be backing up the 1st Wave before concentrating on the 2nd Wave.

    1st Wave

    2nd Wave and Army

    Enemy forces consisted of a mix of Cavalry and Infantry. Here, a Unit of Cavalry patrols the streets of Palermo.


    The Weather was perfect for an attack, and the 1st Wave quickly stormed the walls.


    The Gate was broken down soon afterwards.


    Reinforcements move to climb the ladders, following the foot-steps of the 1st Wave.


    Sicilian Troops try to hold back Papal Troops that have stormed in through the Gate.


    Victorious on the Walls above, a Papal Unit slams into the rear of the Sicilian Troops at the Gates of Palermo.


    The fighting at the Outter Wall is over quickly. Sicilian forces retreat to the safety of the Inner Wall. The 2nd Wave moves through the City and starts its assault on the Inner Walls.


    A lone Sicilian stands outside the Gates of the Inner Wall. He is all that remains of the last Outter Wall Unit, the Gates were closed before he could get inside. Needless to say, he did not last long.


    Fighting erupts on the Inner Walls as Cavalry patrol the streets on the inside. Other Sicilian forces maneuver into position.


    Papal Forces control the Walls and the gate, and are now caught in Street Fighting. Their Spears and Shields are no match for the Cavalry that futiliy attacks.


    Even Pavise Crossbowmen, with Papal Archers on the captured walls behind them, get in on the action.


    Papal Forces reach the Town Square where they engage more Sicilians.


    At last, the Sicilian King - bloodied from battle already - is spotted. His Bodyguard Unit is already depleted from fighting just outside the Square. He had retreated to recover and reorganise, but even he can see the futility.


    Here, we see the Sicilian King engaged in Combat with the last of his troops.


    The King goes down.


    Papal Troops secure the area around the Sicilian Kings body.


    The Last Sicilian of Palermo.


    Victory! Many units fought bravely today! Few Sicilians were allowed to surrender!



  7. Mussolini

    Mussolini Gaming Guru WW2|ORG Editor

    Sep 10, 2000
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    Festung Colorado
    For God!

    A Crusade. The Pope had declared a Crusade on Tunis - our Sicilian Enemies held this fortress in the desert. Already, a Venetian Crusading Army had been repulsed. Now, it was time for Gods Soldiers to wage Holy War!


    The Sicilians cowered in sight of the Holy Cross.


    Papal Swordsmen, amongst the best soldiers employed by the Papal States, quickly scale the walls on ladders.


    The Archers on top fall like harvested wheat beneath the blades of the Swordsmen.


    Sicilian Infantry and Horse fare no better. Before long, the last falls.


    Victory! The whole World shall know of this successful Crusade!

  8. Mussolini

    Mussolini Gaming Guru WW2|ORG Editor

    Sep 10, 2000
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    Festung Colorado
    The Fall of Genoa

    The Milanese had constantly been a nuisance in the North, though pose no real threat. Their words are feeble and lack power. The Council of Nobles have decided it is time to show them who has the stronger hand. Genoa must fall!

    The Papal Network of Spies has infiltrated the City and bribed the Gate Guards.

    Genoese Crossbowmen line the walls but even they are no match for Swordsmen of God!


    The fighting in the City Center is brutal.


    Numerically superior, Papal Forces start to gain ground.


    A trail of bodies, mostly Milanese, marks the progress of the Battle.


    A flanking maneuver strikes the Milanese from a side street.


    Victory! Can no one stay the Hand of God?


  9. ghost_of_war

    ghost_of_war Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    Bud, you have to tell me. How are you playing as the Papal States?
  10. Mussolini

    Mussolini Gaming Guru WW2|ORG Editor

    Sep 10, 2000
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    Festung Colorado
    By Divine Right, of course! :eek: If I tell you, God will smite you down. :mad:

    No, I'm using the Retrofit Mod for MTW 2 (you need Kingdoms) and it allows you to play as the Papal States amongst other nations.
  11. ghost_of_war

    ghost_of_war Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    Yeah, I have Kingdoms as well. I'll send myself a note to check into that. I always wanted to play as them, but of course it never gave you the option after completing the campaign. Does it allow you to play as the Mongols or Tumirids?! :D
  12. Mussolini

    Mussolini Gaming Guru WW2|ORG Editor

    Sep 10, 2000
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    Festung Colorado
    Yep. There are TONS of Mods out there that let you play as them. The other mod I have lets you play as the Rebels even!
  13. ghost_of_war

    ghost_of_war Member

    Feb 6, 2008
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    LOL - that one has to be sweet.

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