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Tigers Lost at Lake Balaton?

Discussion in 'Military Vehicle Restoration' started by George Patton, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. George Patton

    George Patton Canadian Refugee

    Aug 22, 2010
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    Ontario, Canada
    In David Porter's "Order of Battle: The Red Army in WWII", there is a reference made to some Tiger IIs lost during the Lake Balaton offensive.

    Here is the excerpt: "An early thaw turned the entire region into a muddy morass and the appalling ground conditions posed as many problems as the Soviet forces. In some sectors, Tiger IIs sank up to their turrets in the thick mud and at least 15 had to be abandoned."

    Does anyone know what happened to these tanks after they were lost by the Germans? I don't imagine they would've pulled all of them out, although the Soviets might have done so. Is there any chance the tanks are still there, buried under the swampy land? I would imagine that if they were left, they would eventually be completely submerged. After all, they found a relatively-intact Panther in a river in Poland maybe 10/15 years ago.
  2. George Patton

    George Patton Canadian Refugee

    Aug 22, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Ontario, Canada

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