Been seeing some stuff about how music tuning (?), was changed from 432 hertz to 440. Sounds (ha) a bit crazy. Who And Why Changed Music's Tuning Frequency From 432 To 440 Hz — Steemit
I like cruising the interstates in my little white TRAX and playing ♫Thunderstruck♫ at max volume. They look everywhere but at me.
- 'Ello guvna. Been missing you, I have. I was worried about all the warnings my browsers gave me about logging in. I've been pardoned. No more sword of Damocles. Cheers man.
Drove the "Foreman/foreskin" bonkers when I cranked this up on my Boom-box at Cat. Course it had to be on 10 to barely exceed the machinery noise but pleasing none the less. He - showing his intellectual intuition- remarked, " Ah Beethoven "! Me - NO Vavaldi ! Mumbling to myself as he sauntered away :::: dumb-ass! Kinda accentuated the B1 poster on my work desk showing it rippling the water on some Western lake. The incoming doom. Not that a lot of 'work' transpired on that desk mine you.
Listened to something very similar to this yesterday. Diligently working in my wood shop when a lightning burst happened directly overhead. (F16 going like a bat-outta-hell at low level). I may have a slight idea of what CAS is like. If you crank up the volume and put your ear up close : It was louder that that.