I found this tonight. Interesting look at this campaign. Good shots of armor, artillery and airpower. [video][video=youtube;BUNAEUU4WSQ]http://www.youtube.com[/video]
Funny how they included Black Africa (Tchad , Congo and others in Axis conquered countries on their 1942 maps. These colonies joined the Free French and allied size almost from the start and neither hosted Axis friendly troops.
The U.S. Army and the North African Campaign - World War 2 Documentary (1943) - 42 minute film [video=youtube;GDenB_RVSiI]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDenB_RVSiI[/video]
Wow, this is just amazing those Legionnaires and Spahis in colour are just exceptionnal . They show Darlan there too. He was assasinated only weeks later by a Resistant who could not accept the idea that the allies rehabilated him because Giraud refused to leave Gibraltar. Darlan and 400 of his henchmen had been captured earlier by a local militia to allow the allies to enter Algeria without fighting. Darlan was handed over to the allies but when they learned Giraud would not come, they erased Darlan's record, even though they did not like him. Little is known about the man who killed Darlan, he was executed after a mock trial but rehabilated in 1945. François Darlan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia