Hi Ray, glad to do so. Theres bound to be a few hidden away that's left out there somewhere-including FJ helmets too ;-))
i hope so carl.....i keep triping over them in the garden....but i only bother to pick them up if their Fj
hi carl,items I had bought from this company were later to be identified on the wehrmacht site as fakes/copies,that's when I asked to exchange them for what I hope were original badges,ray..
Hi Andy, mo too. Most recently I was planting Patatos and while plowing u the lot-I stumbled across the mount for a FLAK 88 :-D
Hi Ray, did you ever get what you paid for? Also, beware of what your told on other sites. Several years ago, a few of the guys on that site tried telling me my minty pair of Generals collar tabs were repo-all because the few who looked at the pics of my tabs-had never seen tabs with the center closed tghtly. I was told mine were repo-even though I knew they werent-and I got mine from a Wealthey Militaria collector who had just bought a Generals collection-which came in two huge wooden crates. In these crates besides his uniforms and such-were two extra pair of his collartabs-one of which I got from my friend Don. The detractors on that site said my tabs were repo-even though Sarge Dave Suter (SP?)-who is a major collector of German rank insignia and who sided with me on my tabs. Well, since then, I have seen many many period photos of Generals who had tabs on their tunics that had the centers closed tight-like mine are. Though you can still get great info from some people there-just don't take their word as absolute Law. Because of the few who claimed my Generals tabs were fake-solely based on that they had never seen (or noticed) that style before, I almost tosssed them in the garbage can so to speak. However, I kept them because I had a "feeling" that the detractors didn't know what the heck they were talking about. Well, my tabs have the Buckram backing material-which is absolutely correct. Since then, i've seen a few pairs of Gens tabs for sale on reputable sites-that are exactly like mine-color, buckram backing, closed centers and all. Im more than glad I didn'tlisten to those there who said my tabs were bad. Also, no less then four people-including two who said they were repo-offered to buy my tabs from me-to which I declined all offers ;-))
I think so carl,I'm happier with the exchanges than that which I originally bought,will certainly be on my guard from now on,good advice is welcome always,ray..p.s. how you doing with the cd?..
Hi Ray, that's great to hear. If you have any doubts on something-please let us know here or-not that im trying to take anyone away from Ottos site but-many people very knowledgable on specific items and or a wide range of items is over on this site: WTG :: Index - which is a by invite only site and cannot be found by search engine. If you do go there-the only way to "see" anything is to register and wait for Bill Garvy to give you the "keys" to let you in ;-)) This is done to keep out spammers and other "riff-raff." ;-)) Anyway, let me know if you register and ill spread the word for ya and let the guys know your one of the good guys ;-)) Take care--Carl. I almost forgot to reply to your question. I have some approx 250 pics that are supposed to be scanned for me over at a local photo place and im hoping they will be done by the end of this next work week ;-)) Im going to call tomorrow sometime and see if they already got started on them. Oh and an update about the other pics a nice Gent is going to post for me. He was just having some personal things go on but said he will be starting to post them very soon ;-))
Thank you Ray. I need to call them up as soon as the lunch hour is over and inquire. I woke up late this morning because I was up very late last night posting many more names of the Blood Order Recipients list I was given. Glad im not a Secretary-i'd be fired because I can't type 200 words per minute ;-)) more like a possible 50???
Just found out that uk-militaria is a big no no! Most of the stuff is fake and the return policy doesn't really matter - they insist that it's original. Just thought I'd add this.
also trade as ukm-sales,again helmets/badges are the real issue for me,having bought and found out much later,as you say they state believe to be original unless stated! uk-militaria have just moved a fallschirmjager ground assault badge from ukm-sales site and put it on the uk-militaria site,I returned a badge exactly the same in everyway having it rubbished as poor copy,and now they have this same type of badge up albeit another badge similar to mine, for £325 how! a disgrace to still sell things at joke prices.knowledge on badges very poor indeed,thats why they sell at massive 70% discount,in most cases the items are priced to take in this discount offered..trading standards comes to mind,as novice buyers just see a great deal and jump in....
I'd recommend members viewing these 2 british sites www.uk-militaria.com and www.ukmsales.com helmets and badges especially,you then can see why the 70% discount,perhaps you would care to share your opinions on what you see...on the 1st site on the badges site you will see pab 32684 the badge I returned as being verified as a copy,its now on offer for £215? as original? what does this say about them?
Hi Will, sorry I wasn't here to add anything to this earlier but-thanks for exposing these frauds. Ill salute ya as soon as I get more to pass around. Anyway, im glad all ended up well for you involving these guys. Also, thanks to Hucks, I now know of another and better site with a nice Rep-that I and or we, can start spending money with. Jusy confirmed today-im getting a Silver IAB award Doc to a man who was awarded his IAB while serving in a Penal Battalion ;-)) I think im really going to like buying from this dealer ;-))
They definately are scoundrels to say the least. Also, I noticed that many of their prices seemed to be too good to be true. I forget which site it was on that you gave me-it was the first link-anyway they had at least two Sileasian Eagles 2nd classes for sale that are actually good pieces-but still priced a bit too high for my tastes. Oh and did you notice the two mint unissued Krims they had? One was on Army cloth, the other was on Luftwaffe cloth-both were the exact same maker and the exact same details to the shields face. Anyway, I almost went for both of their Sileasian Eagles which would have been I think 10 pounds or euro-under the price that the 1957 KC is going for. However, I have one Sileasian Eagle 2nd and don't really need another example. I wished those two Krims were good as I would have loved to add two more of them to my 3 shield collection.
started buying badges from them because of discount and when you find out from others fake/copy,you then need to look at a lot of there stuff,as its still being touted as being original a lot of doubt creeps in with quite a bit of description honesty too carl....ray..
Hi Ray, those people definately know what they are doing and that they are preying on people with less collecting experiances--such as had happened to some friends of Scotts who purchased a lot of fake stuff from some dealer while they were in South America somewhere? When I can find the time, im going over to my usual militaria sites haunts-and will make some postings about them. The only thing they have going for them is at least they refunded Wills money-which I hope was a full refund. I find it a rare thing that a dealer does not know that someor all of their items were fakes when selling them. To me-those dealers who knowingly and willingly shaft collectors with fakes-should be made to ride the Mare of Death as well as spend a few weeks being stretched out on the Rack.
I'll agree to that carl,having told them,and returned badges that were verified by collectors on the wa.com as copies!they still advertise them and say nothing of badge being returned as fake/copy? and they even raise the selling price,unbelievable,I reported them to office of fair trading yesterday,so we shall see what they do?,ray..
Hi all, hope you don't mind me sticking my nose in here but stumbled across this thread when googling reputable dealers. As you all seem very knowledgeable and helpful I wondered if you could give me your opinion on these sites I visit every so often.. Detlev Niemann - Orden und militärhistorische Antiquitäten Enter Germania International Welcome to Wittmann Antique Militaria I also wondered if your offer to provide a number of trustworthy UK sites could be extended to me?? (hucks216). Would be ever so grateful to any offers, not just from Hucks but from the rest of you guys. If it helps, I'm currently seeking a Hitler Youth Armband, just no real idea of what is a sensible price to pay. Apologies for the nooby questions. Ta Pete