Well, to me they are like tankettes with oil drums strapped to them, but beauty is in the eye of the beholder!
Bingo! give the young man another cigar....They were delivered in 1938, and designated by the Argentine army "Modelo 1938"-they were intended for training purposes only, as there was a requirement for 160 tanks-and the THNS-38 l(which had been exportyed to Peru) looked like a sure winner at the time...but we know what happened to Czechslovakia.in 1938..
Your protest will be noted when you identify the 4 x armored car in one of my other posts hahahahaha! P.S. l do not think they are ugly either...
Hey scaramouche, what if he's made resolutions to stop smoking, what'd he do with all those cigars? Mind you, if he'd have gotten a cigar for every right answer he's got a right cellar full of them by now!
Ok ( it is hard, isnt't it?)- it was a prototype which combined the hull of a Mowag Grenadier of the Argentine Army with the turret of one of its Panhard AML 90s...The vehicle was eventually returned to its original configuration..
hard , it was almost imposible to find the answer :angry: ( no wonder not mattter how i seek info on the panhard fam and got no answer) anyway, neext pic!!!!!!