3 Chesnut brothers, J.T., Kenneth, & Charles, in WWII. Sons of George Samuel Chesnut. 2 Chesnut brothers Alvin & Ronald, in WWII sons of Leroy Chesnut. Appeal-Democrat Marysville, California 19 Apr 1944, Wed • Page 4
Hi You're referring to the News Article ? I had the same questions . My Father's older Brother (J. T. Chesnut ) signed up a month or so after he and my ''future Uncle Walley'' did (Wallace Walters) dad an Walley signed up same day - went to the same place - and their enlistment/ Service No. were one count apart- Dad's 19052403- Walley's 19052404. A while back when searching for my Father's Army Service records I got about 5-maybe 6- Chesnuts All spelled the same way - Not - - Chestnutt or Chesnutt - - but Chesnut . So; this guy inthe Article could be a distant relative - - - not thinking he's my Dad . Dad wasn't in Saipan - - - Was he ?! he was a bad boy ha ha haaaa
Richard is correct. Sorry for the mix up. The Newspaper article was for T/5 Kenneth Leon Chesnut, son of Samuel Biclee Chesnut. Ser. # 37241712 and with 715 Amph Tractor Bn. He was the Chesnut wounded at Saipan.
I’m not related to this one . J.T. Chesnut-Charles Chesnut are my Uncles Alvin Chesnut is my Father’s Cousin . I was very pleased to read this Article..and Thank you very much for this info - there’s a lot of fighting Men in my Family . Real Men Just really em Thankful I joined this forum
I’m going to look up my Uncle Walley His Service No. is :19052404 my Father’s was : 19052403 just one number difference. Enlisted same day-same place-both were Hawaii bound . I want to see how closely they were able to serve . Merry Christmas everyone
Y Hi ! Ya know OpanaPointer I really love this picture - - every time I see it - - the more I see it - - the more i like it …and it makes me smile - - the clever way you - - choose to use it - - makes me - - - like you - - - - - - even more the boat that opens in the back - ha ha Gotta Love It !
Are you 100% sure RichT090 I out of curiosity read a few pages of a PDF about the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack….and in that file there were listed every facet of the 25th 24th 27th 35th Inf Bn’s 804th Engineer Bn (aviation) 3rd 65th 804th 34th Engr Bn’s Field Artillery Battalions- 8th 11th 52nd 63rd 64th 13th 89th 90th Infantry Division- the 24th (less the 299th I Regiment) Division Artillery-24th Med Bn-24th Sig Co-24th 27th Inf 208th 209th Inf 35th Inf 25th Inf Div 25th Med Div 25th Sig Co 25th Div Arty 35th Inf 11th QMBn 11th Tank Bn 11th Ord Co 33rd Sep QM Co 34th Engineers Sig Co Air Warn Sta Hosp Haw Packtrain Haw Cm WF Dept HQ Det Sch Brks Det Sta Vet 97th CA 98th CA 72nd Sep QM Co Anyway you can see there’s a few Field Artillery Battalions he might have served in- - however his Campaign Credits followed the 25th more closely then any of the others .
Permission to Speak Stikers Tell of this Lovable Chief- ha ha haaaa I’m just having fun- Reading and Researching can get a little…. Well it can give you a Big Headache
You have to experience it. Like the kid that tried to jump overboard when I was yelling at him. Can't do that in the modern touchy-feely Navy I hear.
Okay, I guess it is time to walk the dog again. When he went to Hawaii,he was in the Field Artillery. When he went to Hawaii, the Hawaiian Field Artillery consisted of the 11th Field Artillery Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Battery and the 8th, 11th, and 13th Field Artillery Regiments. The 24th and 25th Division Artillery Headquarters and Headquarters Battery and the 8th, 11th, 52nd, 63rd, 64th, 13th, 89th, and 90th Field Artillery Battalions were organized in Hawaii between 1 August and 1 October 1941, before Pearl Harbor was attacked, from the personnel and other assets of the 11th Field Artillery Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Battery and the 8th, 11th, and 13th Field Artillery Regiments, and new personnel from the United States. While he was probably temporarily assigned ("TDY") to one of the existing Field Artillery elements in Hawaii when he arrived, the 11th Field Artillery Brigade Headquarters and Headquarters Battery and the 8th, 11th, and 13th Field Artillery Regiments, it is likely that he received his permanent duty assignment to the 90th Field Artillery Battalion when it was organized. It is possible that when he was wounded he was in another battalion but the policy in the Army by then had changed to send convalescent soldiers released from hospital back to their original unit when possible. It is not 100 percent but most likely he spent the war with the 90th Field Artillery Battalion.
Hey Biak Things are getting clearer…and agree with you 100% . I had my heart set on the 25th in the beginning- - but hanging my research heart on an ever moving FA Bn is like Playing Whack A Mole ! …..and wears on me that I’ve yet to have the Absolute Answer in my hand . Ha ha So realizing I’ve been hard on myself lately I took a Break ! Not from researching- - But changed focus to my Uncles . So I was in to - - the 1940-1950 Sensus since late last night . It was very interesting- - I found that Uncle J T whom was with the Famous Rangers became a Cpl in this here US Army - - good for him . My Uncle Charles Chesnut was an Airplane Mechanic- - good to get away from the grind now an then - Right ? Anyway I enjoyed finding new things . As for my Father I’m getting frustrated with that part of my quest because I’ve come to a Brick Wall sorta speak as to being able to discover much more . So’ it’s probably time in the mean time to request his Military file . Oh also I found some things I wanted to search for in newspapers.com - - but they wanted More Money - - ha ha dog gone It anyway and I’ll pay it - - - just didn’t want to - - - - - last night . I know - - I myself em over the hump in my crash course I’ve been on and look forward to investigating knew leads in the future. Tho still much to learn- - I don’t believe that I’ll make things hard on myself from now on . Sounds good - - ha ha haaaa Will see Have a Great Day my Friend
OOOOOPSEY ! I believe I addressed my former post to Biak ….didn’t realize I had done that . Now I’m aware . So’ I’ve hung a U’y….and i em here to apologize for that . Please accept my apology Now, let’s take that walk - - - hupt 2-3-4 hupt hupt ….. an aw 1 an aw 2 ha ha haaaa I swear sometimes i scare myself …. Your conclusions are inline with my conclusions - - I totally agree . Yes the 11th is what I thought would be the next logical one to settle on . Now the only thing to do next is to request his files and watch it all Play out . Then myself and everyone that has helped me get this far will know just how good at this we are - - or - - ???? Well i can’t wait to put in my request . I hope it isn’t too awfully long before i get something concrete . But after i send off the ask for files I will give myself….and you all here a rest . That sounds Great ! I’ll do it - - — alright feel better ha haaaa How bout y’all
Is that what it’s called “touchy- - feely” Well what I would call it these days- - -is - -is- - Oh shoot , better stop right there …. Boy OpanaPointer see … you - - almost got me in trouble Buuuuudy