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videos with the danes in Musa Qala, Afganistan

Discussion in 'Post-World War 2 Armour' started by Jens Knudsen, Oct 6, 2006.

  1. Jens Knudsen

    Jens Knudsen New Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    I dont know why I keep trying, you just dont get it

    you stated you self that UN is the supreme international power, the UN resolutions from 1998 stated that Serbian forces, police, security and others should leave Kosovo, its stated in them and voted for
    then why is it that NATO shall follow UN but Serbia shall not?
    Serbia did not forefill that
    Serbia did not forefill that neither
    Clearly stated and proved that Serbia acted against the wishes from UN to solve the crisis in Kosovo, a UN you self stated as the supreme international power
    Serbia also acted against conventions on human rights and convention on genocide, which are international laws
    I have provide the convention on genocide: http://www.hrweb.org/legal/genocide.html
    This mean that countries that have signed it have the obligation to stop and prevent genocide anywhere in world, even if it mean to attack another country
    Why is Serbia above this law? dont these laws also goes for Kosovo and Serbia? or maybe its not a act against the convention on genocide to kill a population group and drive them out of their homes with in you own country? hmmmm.....maybe then I should start killing germans for just being germans and want to be a part of Germany, germans that have lived in Denmark for many 100s years
    and the problem with Turkey, why do you think that Turkey is not a part EU yet? one of the reasons is what they do to the Kurds, Turkey is pretty much isolated from many international things at the moment, but do you think that NATO would attack one of their member, a member for many years? no, we try to talk with them, something we also tried with Serbia, but Serbia did not want to listen, Serbia did not want to stop their continuely violantion on the UN convention on genocide, a convention that also goes with in national borders
    But according to you apperently, Serbia dont have to follow international laws.
    But I dont know why I keep trying, I have clearly provide laws and UN resolutions to support my arguementation and you still dont get it, you blinded by hate and a dicussion with you will lead to nothing because you have clearly made up you mind that Serbia is always right and the rest of the world is wrong
    and btw my simpel questions was not why Serbia was in Kosovo, my questions, which you still did not answer, was: why did Serbia not need permission from UN to prevent, what you self called, a genocide, but NATO needed one?
    is it not clear enough for you in the UN convention on genocide from 1948 that all countries, member of UN or not, that have signed the convention on genocide is obligate to prevent and to punish genocide anywhere in the world, the world also include Serbia and Kosovo and it does not matter who started the war first, it dont give anyone the right to commit what is stated as genocide in the UN convention on genocide from 1948
    Serbia have no right to hurt another population with in their borders, its stated as genocide by the UN and shall therefor be prevented and punished, THAT GAV NATO THE RIGHT TO ATTACK SERBIA
  2. sinissa

    sinissa New Member

    Nov 25, 2006
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    Now u sound like broken record,and worst u rip off only part that u like.What about this ones:

    And alot similars.U speak about Genocide on kosovo,but why there does not exist albanian body count? Coz it is to low on covilian population.
    150 000 left their homes,is reason for genocide.
    After nato come 300k serbs left the kosovo it is not genocide,by that definition?
    On NATO agression allmost 500k from serbia left their homes.Higher intensity of bombing was on kosovo maybe that is the problem allso?
    Terrorist used vilages and towns as a strongholds.Maybe population escaped from that?

    Maybe is NATO just bully from the hud? Military organisation ,and NATO purpose died with cold war.Now...now is moneymaking machine.

    Now i asko u again,answer to my previus question,if u cant,i will repeat them once more,just plain directly answers if u can.
  3. Jens Knudsen

    Jens Knudsen New Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    NATO dont run around in Kosovo and make the Serbs leave their homes like the Serbian forces did, thats the different, NATO are using must of their time in Kosovo trying to protect the Serbs, I know this from friends that have been there as soldiers

    the diffenition on genocide is, as clearly stated, by force to drive out a population group from their homes with intention to destoy their condition for living, the albanians were driven out by force, the serbs are now leaving by their own will, not by force from NATO

    mass graves have been found in Kosovo, mass graves full of albanians:
    or you can just pick a eye-witness report:
    many articles are from Human Right Watch, a none-goverment organisation that is independ from any countries

    you cant nowhere find any arguementation that give Serbia right to commit what is stated as genocide by the UN, you can find nowhere any arguementation that give Serbia the right to kill albanians because they are albanians, not even that quote you have come up with there give Serbia the right to act like they did, because some use violents dont give the right to drive the many out of their homes and country and yes Kosovo is also the albanians country just as much its the serbs

    NATO is justified to exitied at all time, maybe you live in the world before 11th sep. 2001?
    and what give you the right to discide what ever any countries should have a millitary co-operation? nothing give you that right, only the member countries of NATO can discide if NATO is justified to exist.
    one of NATO's goals is to defend the member countries, not only from milliatry attacks but also terrorist attacks, something that give them the right to exist at anytime, NATO dont make money, NATO use money, it cost money to run millitary operations, soldiers need to get paid, equiment for the soldiers need to be brought etc. so how can NATO make money when they use billions of dollars each year? money that each member countries pay out of their own national budget

    and I have already answered you questions or dont you read what I write, well I guess not, you dont seem to get smarter thats why I sound like a broken record, you dont seem to get
    I also wonder why you dont have provide any documentation for your arguementation and statments
  4. sinissa

    sinissa New Member

    Nov 25, 2006
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    I will,main problem that moust document i got r on serbian ,so it is not from real walue for u.But ill try in next few days 2 fill that gap,dont worry.
  5. Jens Knudsen

    Jens Knudsen New Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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  6. Jens Knudsen

    Jens Knudsen New Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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  7. Jens Knudsen

    Jens Knudsen New Member

    Aug 20, 2004
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    A NATO press release from 1998, no demands to have NATO forces in kosovo, but a support to the OSCE mission:
  8. sinissa

    sinissa New Member

    Nov 25, 2006
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