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Wait till you Gents get a load out of my newest photos! :-))

Discussion in 'Photographs and Documents' started by C.Evans, Jan 13, 2010.

  1. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi Wessex, E,

    Wessex, definately no prob/

    E, those shote are pretty nice for snapshot-size pics. I could have got the rest of them but there were only a few other Flak 88s firing at night pics available and I don't think I bid on them though these were part of the same group as mine were from. A couple of shot are distant so are a bit fuzzy-looking but, these really are some great Flak-Artillerie pics. I think there are even a few pics that show a full Batterie in action (four guns)

    I think if I get enough GOOD award photos as well as Flak and Combat photos, im thinking of loaning some to a couple of Gents I know who have approached me about using some of my pics in a book that is in the works. One book of course will only be on Awards awarded in the field, the other I can't yet say ;-))

    In the months to come, im planning on getting quite a few shots of T-34s and KV-1s knocked out of action and or were captured. And finally, im going to try to get enough great shot of MG-34s in bunkers and pillboxes and such.

    PS, I almost forgot to add that those Flak 88 pics are Army Flak 88s, as I also managed to snag a nice daytime pic of them either in action or preparing to be in action. ;-)) Im not too big on collecting LW pics though I did try for a great shot of a badly damaged Stuka.
  2. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Just nagged 4 more.

    These include:

    1) Soldier posing w/ Rifle.

    2) Soldier posing with medals.

    3) Medic wearing armband-great medic equipment shot.

    4) Medics loading wounded into truck-not the shot i wanted but-what the hey.
  3. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    In case the other posting was missed, I just scored three great new pics for under $10 bucks total.

    1) Heeres Flak Truck on the move.
    2) Combat photo Nr 1.
    3) Great combat photo showing soldiers assaulting some position.
  4. brndirt1

    brndirt1 Saddle Tramp

    Jul 7, 2008
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    here are the last three I was able to get for you Carl. At least I think these are the ones you were taking about.

    Attached Files:

    C.Evans likes this.
  5. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi Clint and thank you for getting these three posted for me. These are the three latest wins and I might have a few others coming p in a day or so ;-))

    The first two are the Combat photos. The first shows men assaulting some Russian positions-as well as the second. The third photo though no great but is of something a bit rarer-which shows a frontal view of an Army Flak Truck ;-)) I hav I think 2-3 more and much better views of these trucks that im trying to get ;-))

    Much of the latest pics im trying to concentrate on all have to do with an Army Flak unit. Ill not know much more than the above on them untill I get them in. I do know that these were taken somewhere on the Russain Front and ths unit in particular-was with Army Group Don.

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