its said that hitler kept his affair with eva very much in private so as to not impede on his super rock star like appeal and magnetic power over the masses of swooning fraulines again .power is still very much an aphrodesiac to many women ..especially the god like infalleble kind of power of an absolute ruler .ie.. hitler ,mussolini ,stalin ,mao ..even in modern times , mere ark gov.clinton and earlier his idol jfk could both point out a beaming female in the crowd and say to his aids "that one "
. Seems as good a reason as any to get power , getting some on the subject of Hitler love life , there is rumors of a natural son born in belgium of a local woman during WW1 and a famous and sulfurous case of the suicide of his lover-cousin in ~32 A scandal rag cast doubt on the suicide angle and dark rumors abounded about perverted sex acts , All this is conjectures nothing was established , the scandal was hushed up and the journalists and editor of the said paper had major problems with the gestapo a few years later :kill: .