I finally saw it down here in Oz-i am interested to ask several things. The French mobile Group 100, was there really a massacre of this unit? I thought it was an incredible movie, it was a true inspiration even further for me to join the military next year. There were a few scenes that were blatant American propaganda-(Snakeshit with the Iroquis gunships and the triumphant music) but there was a real feel that this movie was trying its heart out to "De-Hollywoodise" itself, and it made it a tremendous war flick.
Your correct--that Frainch unit Mobile 100, was ambushed and decimated. I dont recall the year it was in, but I do know that it was referred to in the book: "Devils Guard" by: George Robert Elford. It was referred to at a time when the German vets had finally had their own full German Legionnaire unit. So that tells me that it had to happen by 1953--unless im sadly wrong and are thinking of another one of many Frainch ambuses and defeats.
Barry Pepper--now THATS a name to remember. Also another factoid: The person who played the Sergeant from New York in SPR, was the Colonel in charge of the column of Humvees in Black Hawk Down. [ 06 May 2002, 06:36 PM: Message edited by: C.Evans ]
Those bloody Frainch (Inspiration from Carl), why in the world would you wear immaculate white kepis into the field, it may be a tradition, but come on. FYI-Sprouting from Carl's comment on the German Legionnaires, did you know that Herbert Werner, captain of U-953 was actualy in that legion for a time before escaping!!!!
Thanks my friend--SOMEONE is learing to say the word properly now--its is Frainch. I also have to agree with you about the Legions tradition. Also in reality--these men were nothing but cannon-fodder Also thanks for that tid-bit of info on the Uboat commander once being in the legion etrangere (sp?) You made my day my friend PS, the word Frainch--was coined by my friend and Ring Bearer Rick Lundstrom. [ 06 May 2002, 06:42 PM: Message edited by: C.Evans ]
My hats ALWAYS tipped to Rick--I own him alot for all my knowledge on Imperial German stuff and for saving me about $300.00 worth of fake ribbon bars. Now if we can just get Rick to spend a few moments of his scarce time here--we would ALL learn alot from his postings. Also, and besides--he knows how to post photos and I do not. Also, thanks for letting me get my 3,000th posting
White relects heat, dark colours absorb it. The white Kepi's were a habit the french picked up in North Africa
BTW ,the MAS 36 bolt action rifles were a nice touch, I'm presuming troops abroad would have been the last to recieve the new MAS 49 semi autos
Still--the white hats were VERY attractive to the Viets--as were the Redcoats were on the British--for the Colonials. Simply though--they should havd gone with Camo uniforms--they knew better.