Not Me! I'm fully Italian (though since my grandparents came from different parts of southern Italy, they acted as though they were different countries). My children and grandchildren are truly "mutts".
Lol, I like that, though I'm curious where "murica" came from, I see it being used all over the net lately.
Here's a map showing the location and a clipping from Google maps of a slightly closer view. If you have any interesting information about the area, send me a PM. View attachment 21034 View attachment 21035
England (Somerset) - traced back to 1754 but records then dried up. Had a Great, Great, Great Grandad at Waterloo (Grenadier Guards) and a Great Grandad went through WW1 as far as France in 1917 (via India and Gallipoli with the 60th Siege Battery, RGA) when he died of wounds. Poor bloke.
So, your background is pure Carthaginian/Ostrogoth/Visigoth/Greek/Gaul/Moor/French/Spanish/German...? :whip:
So, a pure descendent of the Kingdom of Sardinia, Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, Parma, Modena, Lucca, The Grand Duchy of Tuscany, the Papal State and the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies? OK, I got it. There's nothing purer than that.