I scanned the posts only now. Lots of fellow-cruiser fans here. I would have loved to have been in command of a cruiser division in the south pacific (but then, I probably wouldn't have survived the war.)
That cut both ways; practically any contemporary warship a panzerschiffe could catch - like cruisers - could outrun it, and those it could catch - like battleships - outgunned it. Still, I would agree the Deutschlands were the most useful things Germany could build while claiming to comply with the 10,000-ton limit.
..I was in the USMC and got to see what must've been the USS Wisconsin big gun impact at Vieques PR.....we were on a hill overlooking a beautiful bay firing mortars at about 2000m range...we were about 4000m from the big guns' impact and it was still loud!!!! ...I don't recall seeing the guns fire because the view of the ship was blocked by part of the hill we were on--but we definitely saw and heard the impact
When Missouri tested her guns off the coast of California people were calling in earthquake reports. Big Mo was over the horizon at the time.
..it's amazing how much force is created and used yet the guns [ and ship ] are still ok bold mine Sixteen-inch Naval Gun