The only non-combat game i regularly play is chess. Either mano a mano or online at this site: Free Online Chess Any players out there ever wanna have a go, hit me up. My username is pawnsearlylight.
Chess is actually a wargame taking place in the Medieval. While it has no graphics to speak of, there's the King, the towers, the horsemen and the peasants. Each piece symbolize the Medieval and its warfare. /Kommando
Because any light militia(pawn) unit is able to sit in an adjacant postion to a ballistic tower can bring it down lol
Quite incorrect. Chess was invented in Persia when a kig tried to explain strategy to his vassals or something. So, it's more antiquity based than medieval. One way we can clearly memorize this is thinking of medieval battles where knights were the imposing force. EDIT: I just aquired God of War II and wow amazing game!!! Tough I'm not sure if it counts as a war game since you spend the entire game ripping heads of and cutting guys in half... Cheers...
MDK2 Armageddon Premier manager -newest version Football manager 2005-2007 Spartan X-men games ( all that I can get although not all are that good) Spider man games Predator-steel jungle Just some of those non-wargames I have...
It took a while to decide which non-war games to mention. I decided to settle not on the latest games but the games I particularly liked, namely the Neverwinter Nights and Baldur's Gate series.
Do a barrel roll! I have too many games to list, but they're mostly sports and racing games. I just bough Microsoft Flight Sim X, which is pretty cool, especially with the graphics turned all the way up. Still addicted to Battlefield 2 as well.
I spend my time doing miniature wargames and have really gone off computer games in the last few years. However looking at the collection next to me the only one I see that isn't a war game and doesn't belong to the kids is Chessmaster9000. The only game I've really got my moneys worth out of is Combat Flight Simulator- Rising Sun. It is endlessly challenging.
sadly, i have more non war games than war games Finding Nemo Gran Torismo Star Wars Battlefront 1 Star Wars Battlefront 2 Star Wars: Clone Wars Star Wars: Starfighter ATV: Offroad Fury 2 some old football game I cant remember the name of... Ratchet and Clank 1,2,3,5 and thats about it