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What you think of Russian warning of strike against the missile defence.

Discussion in 'The Stump' started by tomflorida, May 7, 2012.

  1. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    Well shoot, I wonder if this happens if the astronauts on the Space Station will get into fist fights and throw the loser out the EVA-hatch? Agree with the above posts about ol' Vladimir postulating for the Home consumption crowd. Where have I heard this "Pre-emptive Strike" rhetoric before :confused:
    From the article;
    ''The deployment of new strike weapons in Russia's south and northwest - including Iskander systems in Kaliningrad - is one of our possible options for destroying the system's European infrastructure,'' he said.

    The remarks from General Makarov....

    Thanks, We'll keep an eye open for "new" strike weapons in the Russian South and Northwest and Kaliningrad. Not that we're not already. By the looks of things, Putin-his lips on stomachs, needs a hardcore support base and you don't get more HardCore than the Ex-Communist Military leaders. Talking loudly and carrying a little stick is more like it.
    But it does sell newspapers.
  2. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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  3. 36thID

    36thID Member

    May 23, 2008
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    Putin is in it for the money and that's it. I think this propaganda is typical for the Ivans.

    Putin sees a dynasty with unlimited looting of oil, resources and cash.

    Military actions would just interfere.
  4. Sloniksp

    Sloniksp Ставка

    Aug 23, 2006
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    What do you expect from a guy who hangs out with Silvio Berlusconi?
  5. Sloniksp

    Sloniksp Ставка

    Aug 23, 2006
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    Making money definitely!

    Call me crazy but I believe Putin is the wealthiest person on earth.
  6. 36thID

    36thID Member

    May 23, 2008
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    If he isn't he will be !
  7. urqh

    urqh Tea drinking surrender monkey

    Dec 23, 2002
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    Yep I enjoyed the cold war...I do not though ever think it went away....It has gone out of the box..assymetrical by any other name I suppose. As to Poopy,,yes of course we loved being in our little holes didn't we...And its good to know who and where your enemy are at any one time...We did after all follow the bear around whenever he moved his paperclips..I spent a lifetime following his paperclips...I still do on occasions, but its more fun these days when you realise that folk think the bear is in some way reluctant to act...That would be a big mistake on our part. The lines have been drawn. We the public may not know the lines but the Pentagon does. As does Shape and the MOD...We in the UK though have lost the fear not joe public but those in power..and I don't mean the politicians, that New York will ever go down for Birmingham in the Midlands, we never did. So we plan for what we can do and leave the bear to others to worry about. Why worry when the sun is shining and you can't do anything anyway. As to the lines in the sand...They are there...Georgia is in its box...it won't re emerge no matter the Nato posturing. Syria...Well thats up to the Syrians now...as it should be not the rest of us...the line was not allowed and missile defence? Its more about the former Warsaw pact family getting ideas above their station as far as the Bear is concerned...It lets us play in Poland, it lets us fly of Latvia...It knows where our paper clips are when we do play. and we now get the hilarious outpouring from the Kremlin on Afghanistan and not wanting NATO to leave the job unfinished...Thats more likely to be their job not ours...didn't we do well there. Laugh...Putins nipples are wobbling as he utters his admonishment. There are lines...the cold war was not all words...things did happen. But words more than actions...just as now...words..will be flung...But lines will not be crossed...And France can go on selling Putin as many ships as he is willing to order...Nothing changes much..just folks perceptions. I don't have a hole anymore so I'll go on watching but not shouting...As like all of Europe...I have no where to run or retire to.

    Sloniksp and rkline56 like this.
  8. rkline56

    rkline56 USS Oklahoma City CG5

    May 8, 2011
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    CA Norte Mexico, USA
    I agree with the "Putin needs to loot theory". There's too much left to rip off in Mother Russia. We need to keep Capitalism attractive enough to keep them and China in the money so they have other things to occupy their time. The Generals can continue to rattle their sabres and we pray there are no real General's like Turgidson or Ripper out there - or if there are that they will continue (good boys now) to channel their emotions positively.

    I like that thought, Urgh.

    In the Seventh Fleet we chased, or should I say shadowed, the Soviet Navy around West PAC relentlessly and staged mock Naval Actions for their benefit. We stayed within radar / traffic surveilance range of their groups and trawlers but I never got many visuals. Circa 1980 when things were fairly hot. We were warned (to stay vigilant) about the cab driver / operatives in Hong Kong that would occasionally abscond with a SEATO service member over the mountains to Red China and use them to trade for return of their agents. Imagine what we could of done with today's technology.

    That is classic. I think they should go back again and I hope their is another Charlie Wilson out there with an adviser like Gust Avrakotos (rest in peace, Sirs!).
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  9. urqh

    urqh Tea drinking surrender monkey

    Dec 23, 2002
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    Ahh...Hong Kong...the last unit to close down even as we were boarding the ship with Mr.Patten, was the siggies in the hills...But the Oth in Cyprus and sats now can do much...but the information overload is even more worrying today than in our day mate...So much coming in, and so much will and is being missed...We have better toys but the information overload is glaringly obvious to those trying to deal with the information...1980....The good days mate...You watched the Ruskie...I watched or rahter listened to the French...Their subs never went anywhere without us following never mind the Russians.
  10. rkline56

    rkline56 USS Oklahoma City CG5

    May 8, 2011
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    CA Norte Mexico, USA
  11. urqh

    urqh Tea drinking surrender monkey

    Dec 23, 2002
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  12. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
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  13. brndirt1

    brndirt1 Saddle Tramp

    Jul 7, 2008
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    I find it rather amusing that anybody would worry about the US (or anybody) shipping an obsolete and non-effective system a "problem" of any sort. Send them crap and let them use it if they like. The Patriot system was wildly over praised in the media, but generally condemned as a failure by those who used the thing or ran the data. It was one of those "feel good" things that America could grab and thump their chests about during the first Gulf War. The truth was it was far more likely to miss an incoming missile than it was to hit it. There were some "recorded" successes, and much ballyhooed, but the failures were ignored.

    The Patriot missile was designed in the late 1970's as an antiaircraft weapon. However, it was modified in the 1980's to serve as a defense against incoming short range ballistic missiles. Until the Gulf War the Patriot had not been tested in combat.

    April 7, 1992 and reports written by professor Postol raised serious doubts about the Patriot's performance. After examining video evidence of the Patriot's performance in Israel during the Gulf War and conducting his own tests, professor Postol claimed that the Patriot had a very low success rate.

    "The results of these studies are disturbing. They suggest that the Patriot's intercept rate during the Gulf War was very low. The evidence from these preliminary studies indicates that Patriot's intercept rate could be much lower than ten percent, possibly even zero." (Statement of Theodore A. Postol before the U.S. House Of Representatives Committee on Government Operations, April 7, 1992)…


    The Patriot Missile. Performance in the Gulf War Reviewed
  14. rkline56

    rkline56 USS Oklahoma City CG5

    May 8, 2011
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    CA Norte Mexico, USA
    Putin tells Obama he

    Roland Hedley reports (actually Ollie Knox), White House, Washington D.C. : Putin tells Obama he’ll skip G8 summit

    Putin on Wednesday marked an annual celebration of the country's contributions to defeating Nazi Germany with a forceful defense of Russia's foreign policy in a speech to troops and veterans thronged in Moscow's Red Square.
    "Russia consistently follows a policy of strengthening global security, and we have a great moral right to stand up determinedly for our positions because our country suffered the blow of Nazism," he said.

    They've been saving their rubles for this day. Determinedly our moral right, it is.

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