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WorldWar2Talk.com User Agreement

Discussion in 'WWII Forums News' started by -, Aug 5, 2007.

  1. Guest

    You agree, through your use of this forum, that you will not post any material which is false, defamatory, inaccurate, abusive, vulgar, hateful, harassing, obscene, profane, sexually oriented, threatening, invasive of a person's privacy, adult material, or otherwise in violation of any International or United States Federal law. You also agree not to post any copyrighted material unless you own the copyright or you have written consent from the owner of the copyrighted material. Spam, flooding, advertisements, chain letters, pyramid schemes, and solicitations are also forbidden on this forum.

    Note that it is impossible for the staff or the owners of this forum to confirm the validity of posts. Please remember that we do not actively monitor the posted messages, and as such, are not responsible for the content contained within. We do not warrant the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information presented. The posted messages express the views of the author, and not necessarily the views of this forum, its staff, its subsidiaries, or this forum's owner. Anyone who feels that a posted message is objectionable is encouraged to notify an administrator or moderator of this forum immediately. The staff and the owner of this forum reserve the right to remove objectionable content, within a reasonable time frame, if they determine that removal is necessary. This is a manual process, however, please realize that they may not be able to remove or edit particular messages immediately. This policy applies to member profile information as well.

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    These are the basic guidelines of this forum:
    * No insults are tolerated (that includes serious national and religious insults)
    * No Holocaust denial is tolerated (note that this also applies to events such as the mass murders of Armenians during WWI and the interwar famine in the Ukraine)
    * No racism is tolerated
    * No glorifying of nazism/fascism or those dictatorships, or other totalitarian dictatorships, is tolerated
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    * When quoting from a book or site, please provide info on the source (and a link if it is a website)
    * Using your real name as username, or at least signing your posts with your real first name is appreciated
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    * Posting in the forum using more than one account is not tolerated
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    Insults and threats against other members will result in a warning or a ban, depending on the frequency and seriousness of the offense. Insults and threats against the forum moderators and administrators for performing their duties will be looked upon very seriously, and will usually lead to immidiate banning without previous warnings. If a member has an objection to the actions of a specific moderator, he or she must always consult the administrator, rather than sending insults or threats to the moderator in question.
    Fredramirez likes this.
  2. higge

    higge Member

    Aug 27, 2007
    Likes Received:

    I've added some new features here.

    You may add videos here too. Just paste a link from the video you like to share and off we go then :D
  3. higge

    higge Member

    Aug 27, 2007
    Likes Received:
    These are the basic guidelines of this forum:
    * No insults are tolerated (that includes serious national and religious insults)
    * No Holocaust denial is tolerated (note that this also applies to events such as the mass murders of Armenians during WWI and the interwar famine in the Ukraine)
    * No racism is tolerated
    * No glorifying of nazism/fascism or those dictatorships, or other totalitarian dictatorships, is tolerated
    * Keep the message on topic
    * When quoting from a book or site, please provide info on the source (and a link if it is a website)
    * Using your real name as username, or at least signing your posts with your real first name is appreciated
    * Enter at least your real continent as location in your profile
    * Posting in the forum using more than one account is not tolerated
    * Using anonymous proxies to access the forum is not tolerated

    Insults and threats against other members will result in a warning or a ban, depending on the frequency and seriousness of the offense. Insults and threats against the forum moderators and administrators for performing their duties will be looked upon very seriously, and will usually lead to immidiate banning without previous warnings. If a member has an objection to the actions of a specific moderator, he or she must always consult the administrator, rather than sending insults or threats to the moderator in question.
  4. higge

    higge Member

    Aug 27, 2007
    Likes Received:
    You may or may not noticed but you can actually "rate" every thread you are reading. This may be a good thing to give some credit for the writer of the topic.
    You can give from one to five stars and those appears in forum.

  5. wartourist

    wartourist Member

    Apr 28, 2008
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    Honky Dory, will do ;-)
  6. higge

    higge Member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    Ok, forums are upgraded to latest version and the layout is different.
    Tell me what you think about new layout. Should it be darker or is it fine now.

    Lot of new features are also included like social group system, personal photo gallery etc. Most of them is in your user control panel (User cp). Take a look at those, if you like go ahead and play with them.

    Fredramirez likes this.
  7. wartourist

    wartourist Member

    Apr 28, 2008
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    Cool, I like it. The colours could be a tad darker maybe, but general overview has improved. Nice work ;-)
  8. higge

    higge Member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    Thanks Dan.

    I too think that colors are a bit too light. I will ask the designer to change them.
  9. higge

    higge Member

    Aug 27, 2007
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    Please help us spread the word about "World War History Forum."

    You can use "invitation" system in your control panel "user cp" or from the "quick links" in the top of the main page.

    Each time someone follows this link to Our forum and registers as a new member, your referral count will be incremented by one. The total number of referrals you currently have can always be viewed in your profile.

    Please be courteous when promoting World War 2 History Forum by not spamming other web sites and/or email addresses with your referral link just to gain referrals.

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