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WW2 Era Letter Written by Afrika Korps member a few months before he was killed in action.

Discussion in 'Photographs and Documents' started by Heartfeltzero, Jun 23, 2023.

  1. Heartfeltzero

    Heartfeltzero Active Member

    Dec 23, 2021
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    This letter was written by a Karl Dammköhler. He was born on April 3rd 1921 in Dörnigheim. He would eventually enlist and would serve in the Afrika Korps, specifically with the Panzer Artillery Regiment 155 within the 21st Panzer Division. The Division had taken part in numerous battles. On the day this letter was written, the second battle of El Alamein began and Karl would participate in it. A rough translation of the letter reads:

    “Africa 23.10.42

    Dear Parents!

    I just received your dear letter of 11.10. which I received with great joy and many thanks. I see that you are all still doing well, which I can also say about myself. Today there has been mail again for a week and I had to read it by the light, it is already 7 o'clock. I was very happy to read some lines from you again, because the mail is the only thing that can still save us.

    Dear parents, a year ago today I was in your midst, they were the most beautiful hours that I have experienced. When will I see you again, I think it will take some time, but the main thing is to be happy and healthy. Abela is also in Europe, Heini Beinhauer is going on vacation today in 5 weeks, he wants to visit you. You can ask how it is with the greeting from Africa to you, and also ask how it is with the series of pictures from Africa. Grünberg is also on vacation, he has written that he is well again. They have just had luck, I hope that I also have it soon.

    You have now received the card from 29.9., which makes me very happy. The mail goes very irregularly, as I read, it is the same with mine. Now it is quiet and the mail should be delivered quickly. But I receive all your mail, so far no letter has been missing, with the parcels here and there one will get away. It's not possible to check that exactly, but I always send you the letters again. I haven't received the 2nd and 3rd parcels yet, but they take a long time.

    I think, dear parents, you can finish the Christmas packages soon. How much money have you received, you always have to write. I have to close now, because Tommy has set a luminous parachute nearby, it is the first time as long as we are here. Dear parents, uncle and aunt also want a stamp, give one of the two. They also want to send me a 2 pound package. Will now close dear parents and wish all the best.

    Your son Karl!

    Greetings to all relatives and acquaintances.

    Good night.”

    A little over 2 hours after Karl finished writing this letter, the Second battle of El Alamein would start. The Germans would be pushed back over the course of the next few months.

    Karl was killed in action on December 21st 1942 in Libya, he is buried in the Military Cemetery in Tobruk. He was 21.

    paulcheall and Slipdigit like this.

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