I would believe me. I cant see this snow anymore. We had em from November on and today they said that we should get more at wednesday.......
Yes but intelligent life? And where's Drew with his camera...I'm sure he should have been over here by now turning off the lights and telling us all to sit down while he gets the slides out....In which case I'm sitting at back near the door..
Hmmm - Am sure there is intelligent life there now! No sign of Drew. Perhaps he is lurking - just to make sure you get a special front seat pass
Just been back to ww2talk and am relieved to find that some very important threads have survived the server changeover. Will now spend a few days listing what I can and cannot do and will try in future to spend more time on this site Ciao for now Ron
RAF veteran from WW II has fullfilled his dream – he flew his beloved Spitfire once again directly in UK http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-kent-36861707 more pictures: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/kvlhlncnhnld0vh/AAB5h9PAFrZmelsyDVUldw_Za?dl=0
Anyone tried to raise the ww2talk.com forum today? I'm fully aware that changes are taking place, but it would be nice if the mods who frequent BOTH sites made some sort of posting regarding any temporary shut-down. Ron (Who spends most of his time on the ww2talk forum but who also is a member in his own right here) Ps Yes, I know that both forums are in a state of flux, but would just like to be kept uptodate with re-assuring messages
Ron, this downtime was unplanned so wasn't able to give warning. I'm working to get things back in order.
Blimey. ! That was quick ! Have just been there and was about to report back to you that it was OK when I got your own posting Well done ! Ron
Congrats Otto, way to go. Our British friends will be happy to go back there and drink their own lager and /or tea.
Appreciate you letting me know. I wish more people wiuld do that when they have trouble connecting. The sever is fine. There are some technical problems at the host. She should be back up shortly Ron.
Otto /Charlie Thanks gentlemen, it''s alaways a relief to know it's not just me ! And yes Charlie, they are a nice friendly bunch here and will always make you welcome Ron