Now you're being reasonable. Good! then you shall have to get past :roll: anti-rickysubmarine missiles first! :lol:
Ah, but I've got anti-anti-rickysubmarine missiles... and anti-anti-anti-anti... wait, this is getting silly! I'll just use my Mega Death Star to take out your planet.
May 10, 1940: Nazi's invade Holland. May 15, 1940: Holland surrenders to the Nazi's. The United States does not CONQUER countries, but rather liberates and then assists in rebuilding them... How soon we forget. Tim
May 10, 1940: Nazi's invade Holland. May 15, 1940: Holland surrenders to the Nazi's. What are you trying to say with this? Should I remind you to the fact that the US only began to help us with our war against Germany when they themself where attacked by Japan? If they weren't attacked Europe was now in hands of Germany...
[ Technically this is not really correct, as the Netherlands did not surrender. Their army indeed surrendered when they considerd that resistance had become useless, but the dutch governement and the queen continued the war, with the support of the dutch colonies. Well, I'll say the US has as a great tradition of conquering than any other nations. Otherwise, they would not be such a big country today!!
I must agree that I don't see the use of Hoosier's statement here either, but I really can't agree with you on this one. As far as I know there is no proof the Americans attacked germany only because they were attacked by Japan theirselves. After all, they helped the Tommies along in the First world War too and by then, there was no attack on America whatsoever. But please prove me wrong if you have good sources. In my opinion, Europe would have been russian by now if the Americans hadn't shown up in '44. While respectable, the American war effort was a lot less than the Russian.
Panzerprofile wrote: As the modrerator of this forum I don't know why you are commenting upon my reasonableness (implying that I was being unreasonable before) while ignoring the poster who was launching attacks against other posters choices rather than making his own..that would be Jeffrey. If you choose to make such statements please be more specific..what statements by me were unreasonable?
Please note PP used a ' ' which indicates light-hearted mock-insult. Please also note that unreasonable posters have been told (publically and by PM) to stop being unreasonable. Please note that you have been advised to use the PM system if you are unhappy with people, especially moderators. Can we all be friends again now?
Sorry Grieg, my intention wasn't exactly making you think you were unreasonable. What I meant was that I really liked that remark since I haven't seen that kind of posts before very much. That's all. I hope you took no offence. If you did, I must apologise.
I would go with the Aussy Special Forces.. In Biafra, after the Brits disavowed their actions the Anzus ate thier enemies dead.. tough lot I would say I have heard a few other stories...
I tought the theme is my Army??? well in my armed forces i would use the us fleet but with British Sailors captains and a british Admiral staff then i would use the us Air foce but with german Pilots and for the Army i would reli mostly on German made vessels like leo2a6 pzh2000 puma apc and a german general staff sure i would also embed selectet stuff from britain france and japan
If I could "build" my own military, I would take the entire chinese army as mine, all 3 million of them, plus the millions of reserves. They will be equipped primarily with American Revolution Kentucky musket rifles, broad swords and napoleonic canons. I will also require a throng of Mongolian cavalry. :bang: I would use Russian T-90/British Challangers/Pkw VII Maus with Israeli armored crews for the mechanized forces, along with the British Scorpion IFV and the American M2 Bradley IFV/APC. The airforce would be comprised of resurrected German pilots from WWI and II using American made F15/F22/F18 warplanes. I would also have many many squadrons of B52 heavy bombers, you know, just in case. The navy would be made up of mainly submarines with ICBM capibility. The rest, naturally, would be made up of Yamato class battleships. The US's "star wars" defense system would be the crem de la creme. This would be my military, pretty standard if you ask me.
Respect, however the quality of the japanese steel was quite bad. So why don´t you replace it by the HMS Victory. My Army: Tanks Merkava Mk 2/3/4, Magach 6, Magach 3 and/or Leopard 2 A6. A King Tiger for personal transport =). Armoured Vehicles Bradley and Fuchs Air: F-16 (US-Version D), F-15 I, AH 64. And the Gloster gladiator for my personal flights, i love it Sea: German destroyers Sachsen-class and the new german uboat U-212 And thats my favourite ultramodern personal transport system on sea :smok: I love the IDF and the german navy.
The Yamatos will mostly be for show, you know, scaring the enemy off and all that. Although I guess that didn't really work in the first place..... :-? Cancel my orders for ballistic submarines, I want my entire navy equipped with these!
Come on, please look at the two pix and tell me, which one looks more impresive HMS Victorys Guns or those of the Yamato. :smok:
Victory anyday, the Yamato from that shot looks like a poor excuse of a phallic symbol. At least the Victory won some fights so it has a good record.