It was esyeier than re-typing it all. And stick a few modified cargo ships for use as aircraft carriers...I'm on a buget. lol
The SR-71 is definetly a safe command vehicle. High speed, high altitude, and some stealth. Until it runs out of fuel and has to land. Then it's a sitting duck for any anti-aircraft misslies in the area. Still, it's a good choice. But maybe an even better choice would be the Nighthawk. Subsonic speeds and medium altitudes, but at least complete stealth. I get to watch my troops beat up enemies and at the same time pitch in by dropping bombs on my enemies' heads without any danger whatsover. That'd be fun. Watching things blow up from complete safety. Or the B-2.
A command vehicle (at least for a general) is not just a vehicle with which to transport the commander. There needs to be room for at least a radio operator and a place to study maps, charts and intelligence reports. A command vehicle is more like a mobile command post, so anything faster than your frontline troops that doesn't provide a good overview of the situation would be worse than useless.
Communications are routed through their commsets. Each group recives orders at the same time whjil I survey the battlfield and the position of my troops, the enemy and neutral units. And the irony of this is that technically this is how it operates in my story. Er...kinda.
Ah, nothing like micromanagement to make for a successful battlefield. Look how effective it was in Vietnam!
Bad analogy IMO. The US won every major pitched battle in Vietnam. The ground war wasn't micromanaged like the airwar against the North was, from Washington. The micromanagement of the airwar by LBJ and McNamara was inefficient and counterproductive.
I thought there were times when Generals were more or less directly ordering squad and platoon sized units? (Nam is not my area of expertise) As Greig said, the air war was heavily micromanaged from CONUS.
RE: My Army Air force: USAF Army:German Army Navy:Sweden(for it stealth ships) High command:a mixture of German generals and British generals Food imports company:Kraft Private Mic von Krate Miltiary nick-name: Invincible
Well To my Air Force: I would like some Russians Sukhoi's Army: Infantry: Paraguayan soldiers with british equipment. Cavalry: Challenger 2 tanks Artillery: British or US Artillery German generals Navy: well, a will need a sea, because, my country has not sea coasts. jeje...but a think the bests are de USN and the RN And a Politician like Winston Churchill, to manipulate some greater partner to join him, if the things were being bad. jejeje. And Of Course, US money to pay my war game