Loving the new color scheme! Much better than the blue. The Forum Logo at the top could be a touch bigger I think. Might be nice to (if possible, I know its a lot of work) add an image to the left side of the black/gray bar down at the bottom (opposite the troops hiding under the 'contact us''help' part). Maybe add a different one to the top right black bar as well (the one containing Home/Forums/Media etc).
Permissions are a mess, apologies to those who might be locked out. As I reset this your titles and access might change. Please bear with the process, I'll have you back soon, and if there is anything you'd like me to help with urgently, by all means email me at the address in my signature.
Otto A couple of suggestions if I may. 1. Make Arial the default font 2. The thread title has a subtle shadow effect but, on my iPad at least, this makes the letters appear slightly fuzzy. Looking very good Steve
I don't understand that ? Never needed email address to log in, just user name & password. Could you do a screen shot of your log in screen , I'm curious. Otto. All ok my end, bookmark works ok & don't need to sign in as ticked the remember me box.
I've had issues getting here also, keep being sent to a re-direct page. I've cleared browsers, caches, cookies, my DNS multiple times to no avail. I found my way here via a circuitous backdoor, so don't be surprised if we temporarily loose a few people, who can't find their way back. I'm running Windows 10 and using Firefox as my browser if that helps.
I've found the transition completely seamless. No need to login from fresh. Using an iPad in the UK. First thing I knew about the change was when the screen presented me with the new format. If people are having to login multiple times could it be they are forgetting to tick the stay logged in box?
I realize that the smilies are a low priority. However, I just noticed that the current configuration has the Poppy smilie rendering thusly: Needless to say, not a particularly appropriate replacement.
DNS settings need to propagate over several hours, if the problem continues for more that 24 hours, please email me.
If there is anything I can do to help, let me know, as you've got a hundred people asking for different changes ^-^