I think Shooterike just tickled me with a feather right here...which is about all his words accomplished. For, you see, Shooterike has just committed his own LIES OF COMMISSION AND OMISSION in his last post - Consider Shooterike's ears boxed. Here is one of Shooterike's LIES OF COMMISSION I have previously given the number of the post, and have linked to it several times. Note to Shooterike...When it says "shooterike said: ↑" That up arrow is a hotlink directly to the post I am quoting from. Anyone that is remotely familiar with forums knows this...And Shooterike has been on several forums. - Consider Shooterike's nose pinched. Now here, Shooterike commits a LIE OF OMISSION. Shame on you, Shooterike, your many menanite Granny did not bring you up well enough, or maybe she did...given the life of sin and debauchery you are leading. - Consider Shooterike's eyes poked. And now, the coup de grace... You see Shooterike, has actually got a two-fer(Sin of Commission and sin of omission) in this Now, SOLID FACTS are quite different from OPINIONS, yet Shooterike has clearly stated that this is a SOLID FACT, going so far as to capitalize "SOLID FACT." Yet, now Shooterike is saying that this is an opinion, and not a solid fact - I'm sorry - SOLID FACT. So, Shooterike...Are all you SOLID FACTS and OPINIONS now FANTASIES? - Consider Shooterike's head cut off and handed to him.
I have contacted my friends at the Trilateral Commission and asked them to have the Illuminati take care of him. We cannot let it be revealed that the real purpose of the 16 members of the Intelligence Community and its $50-billion-plus budget is to conceal the Army of the Potomac's losses at Cold Harbor... I mean seriously, is this nutjob for real?
ONLY a blind fool would think that! You must have you hand over your poked eyes! There you go, Troll that you are, shooting blanks from the hip because that is where your head/hand is! Do put a bandage on that bloody stump.
Amazing. I thought shooterike was just a troll in the first few pages. HIs post in the second half of this make me wonder if he's experimenting with drugs and trying to troll at the same time. I was going to point out a few issues with what he's written but there are so many and so clearly off the mark that I think I'll just bow out of this. He won't be around much longer I suspect and has been so thoroughly discredited (he's even managed to contradict himself) that I'll give those a pass.
Welcome aboard. We've got some much better threads on D-day than this train wreck. Please join in those and consider starting one specifically about your father. Any info posted in this thread will be hard to find.
Of course I'm real! But I'm not a 'nutjob'. You do however qualify for that title. Self important too! Claiming to have 'friends' at the Trilateral Commission that he can call upon to do favors for him! More evidence of his delirium? Or just more proof that this fellow, like all TROLLS, loves to tell a lie and slander people of a different opinion and ignore facts damaging to their fevered minds.
I'm wondering why the mod hasn't moved this train wreck to the stump to let real members like Brenda be heard with her totally appropriate post for this thread.
I completely agree, however the Trolls I am dealing with want to put on behavior unworthy of a 2 year old, therefore I must defend myself.
Not really. Your playing the part in one of the less humorous Monty Python skits is no longer remotely funny. If you really believe what you are saying you are insane if you don't your lying. It's possible both are true. In any case that should be clear to even the greenest readers by now so I'll leave at that.
Shooterike's head is fully connected to his shoulders'. Yours must be rolling about somewhere. Trolls, such as yourself, want to get nasty and IGNORE the evidence. If you want to discredit me, then tear into all that mountain of evidence I presented the three of you. By being nasty, all you are doing is proving me right.
According to Einstein, insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Some of you fellows seem to think that telling a lie 10,000 times will make it true. That being insulting will make them appear intelligent. Ignoring evidence will make it go away. If you think I am wrong about anything, then let us discuss it. That is, after all, the purpose of this forum. It is a common feature of Trolls, that they resort to saying nasty things when faced with real facts they can not refute. If you think I am wrong about anything, then let us discuss it. If you are simply of a different opinion and for whatever reason, want to keep it. I don't care. There is freedom of speech in the USA and I will exercise it.
It's like he's regressing. When this thread started out I could readily believe he was a teen age fanboy. Now his posts are more like those of a grade school aged individual. In particular the "I'm not ... you are" post have IMO no redeeming features at all. Some of the earlier posts at least produced some interesting and useful information in rebuttal. Now ... not so much. To be expected with the relapse into childish and completely OT nature of his post but ...
It is not regressing per se. I believe the proper term is devolving... And you left out "My Granny can beat you Grandma.", "My dad can beat your dad", and "My great, great, great, great whatever can beat your great, great, great, great whatever."
I wasn't shooting for an all inclusive post. He's not worth the effort. He has prompted me to see if the board has an "ignore" button. It does. He's the first person to actually make my ignore list on any board ever.
That is the best you can come up with? Come now, certainly you can do better than that...From Drama Queen to Anticlimax Queen, that is our Shooterike.