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Heinrich Severloh The beast of Omaha

Discussion in 'Omaha Beach' started by Jim, Feb 14, 2012.

  1. Takao

    Takao Ace

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Reading, PA
    Not sure if he is experimenting with drugs or he has gotten into his parent's liquor cabinet again.

    But, I can guarantee you he is he is about fifteen and nowhere near to being older than dirt like he claims.
  2. Buten42

    Buten42 Member

    Jun 27, 2009
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    Washington State
    Thanks for the tip. Now, he's the only one on my list
  3. lwd

    lwd Ace

    Jul 24, 2007
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    There were a few points that weren't addressed maybe because they were so minor compared to everything else but now that I (hopefully) won't see any of his garbage, here are some that I thought relvant or was looking for some more details on.

    1) What did he post that showed he really had any significant knowledge of the Mg-34? Especially given Rich's debunking of some of his other claims did he really show anything more than one could find in a quick google?

    2) He repeatedly stated that no one knew just how many casualties the US suffered on Omaha. This is to a limited extent true I believe. The question is does anyone have a good estimate on the errors at this point? I would guess the accepted number(s) are within 20% and perhaps within 10% or better.

    3) He repeatedly made the point that German machine gunners were taught to fire short bursts. Wasn't this true of all machine gunners though with the possible exception of those manning fixed, vehicle mounted, or naval AA mounts?

    4) Given the accuracy he's claiming for the Mg-34 at closer ranges isn't a 5 round burst overkill? It would seem to me that in all likelihood either the entire burst would miss or several rounds would hit wasting ammo either way. In this regard I don't seem to recall any post war non aircraft or anti-aircraft mgs with that high of rate of fire (with the exception of a couple of weapons designed to fire 2 or 3 round burst with one trigger pull). That kind of points to its questionable value does it not?

    *** edit for ***
    Just checked to see if the ignore feature is working. I can no longer see any of his post on this thread. If I watch the post numbers I may be able to tell he's posted but that's it. It does make it so much easier to not feed the trolls this way.
  4. Takao

    Takao Ace

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Reading, PA
    Well, then...
    According to Eistein, I am sane. I post and I post, yet I only expect Shooterike to respond with falsehoods, family, and fantasy...So far, Shooterike has yet to give me a different result.

    You mean like repeating the Severloh myth 10,000 times will make it true? Well, then, you only have 9,965 to go.

    Posting in the same thread as Shooterike, will make anyone appear more intelligent...For he is "The bottom of the scale," "the lowest outlier on the bell curve," "lowest of the low."

    You have ignored the entire quantity of evidence presented to you...It has not gone away.

    It is hard to discuss Severloh, when someone cannot resist mentioning another of his famous relatives in every post, refuses to answer questions put to him, and can't seem to go two posts without throwing a temper tantrum. That's not a discussion, that is comedy.

    Are you sure you mean opinion? I mean, after all, your opinions used to be SOLID FACT, but now, are just opinions...I am just trying to stay current here, as the definition of what you post tends to change as the need suits you.

    But, that freedom only extends to those who share the same opinions as you...Oh, wait, I meant SOLID FACT, nope, it is back to opinion now.
  5. shooterike

    shooterike Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    NO, more of your foolishness. I get all of your ravings and answer them point by point. All you are doing is depriving yourself of much needed education.
  6. lwd

    lwd Ace

    Jul 24, 2007
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    I think they may actually have mislabeled this picture. The guy on the far left is either on the way toward a 4th face palm or maybe exhibiting half a face palm. Still rather nice pictoral comment (if some what understated) on the absurdity of shooterike's posts,

    Indeed I really need to copy this one.

    Looks like you do see of someone you ignore posts but you just get a his name and a green bar saying you are ignoring him. You can click on the bar to see the material if you want. I'm not going to try out that part of this feature at this time.
    Last edited: May 1, 2017
    Takao and RichTO90 like this.
  7. RichTO90

    RichTO90 Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2015
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    Except, of course, there is actually no evidence Einstein ever said that. Par for the course I guess.
  8. Takao

    Takao Ace

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Reading, PA
    No, absolutely not. He tried to claim, he owned German manuals, but flubbed that all up, as Rich and I pointed out. The knowledge he did show though, is that he can't even do a simple Google search. Finally, he did not even know that Severloh wrote a book...

    That was not his "point"...A point of his was that Severloh, could have killed and or wounded the 2,000 guys because he was using an MG-34/42 - ignoring the fact that there were several MG-34/42 in WN-62 and they only covered a small area of Omaha Beach, not to mention, a great deal more MG-34/42s in the other positions overlooking Omaha Beach. Thus, with all of these MG-34/42s, the Omaha Beach casualties should be far greater in even the worst case casualty estimates. It was then that his "point" moved to the US Government carrying out a conspiracy to cover up this ginormus casualty count.

    If you remember how LJAd would "move the goal post" when he got caught in one of these fiascos...Well, there you go.

    It varies depending on machine gun, firing rate, air-cooled or water-cooled, direct fire or suppressing fire, but yes, short bursts tended to be the rule.

    I believe his main claim was a 5-round burst directly at a man-sized target, then move on to the next 5-round burst. Which, will work fine...If your in squad-to-squad or company-to-company combat. But, when you are facing, literally thousands of men coming ashore...I'm guessing that is not what the German machine gunners were doing.

    Airsoft or "real"? Sorry...

    It would be fine in small unit combat...But when facing a large attack, unlikely, the German gunners are going to be putting rounds down range as fast as possible, and are not going to be focusing on individual soldiers. Especially, when Severloh was firing at targets up to 600 meters from his position.

    High rates of fire are only useful in defensive positions where ammunition is plentiful.

    How though are you defining high rate of fire? Most modern MGs can come very close to the MG-42's standard 1,200 rpm, but the modern MGs also have selectors or regulators which will lower the firing rate - sometimes drastically. This gives the benefit of having a high firing rate there if needed.
  9. shooterike

    shooterike Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Freedom exists because very many people of every nationality has fought and died for it. Why is it that you wish to censor what I say?
  10. Takao

    Takao Ace

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Reading, PA
    This, I know.

    But, if I had used that...The I would not be sane according to Einstein.

    Being sane according to Einstein, you have to admit sounds much better than being sane according to Mark Twain, Benjamin Franklin, or which ever others have also been credited with the saying.
  11. shooterike

    shooterike Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    I'm old, much older than you are. I do not drink anything other than water or healthy juices. Your inability to understand that is why your posts are of no more than of comic value.
  12. shooterike

    shooterike Member

    Apr 23, 2017
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    Too bad, now your obviously limited education will further suffer.
  13. Takao

    Takao Ace

    Apr 27, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Reading, PA
  14. Takao

    Takao Ace

    Apr 27, 2010
    Likes Received:
    Reading, PA
    Then why is it that you act like some pampered, insolent, little fifteen-year-old?

    If you are as old as you say you are, then, by now, you should have learned such "people" skills, as they will be of much benefit to you when you get older...Like eighteen, when you go off to college.

    Or, in your case, go to work at McDonald's.
  15. lwd

    lwd Ace

    Jul 24, 2007
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    I know that he was trying to derail the logical arguments against Severloh inflicting that many casualties when they represented such a huge percentage of the total US losses on Omaha during that period. He was implying that the actual losses were several times what are commonly accepted. He also was rather confounding estimates given at the time (and impacted by wartime censorship) vs after the fact studies by historians looking at detailed estimates. His point was very well discredited to anyone at all familiar with the topic and even a basic grasp of reason and logic. However it is an interesting question on it's own IMO. How close are we to knowing the casualties at Omaha on D-day. I can see a number of ways the casualties (especially WIA) could be overlooked but these would tend to be pretty minor. I'm pretty sure I also ran across mention of an individual or group that did a very painstaking bit of research on the topic.

    I see no reason we should restrict ourselves to discussing his absurdities if there are topics of at least some minimal interest and value to discus.
  16. Takao

    Takao Ace

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Reading, PA
    When, have I ever expressed a wish to censor you? Besides...If you would shut up, my daily post count would be next to nil. So keep on frothing at the mouth, as I am going to be the last person to stop you from making a fool of yourself.

    Still, I do take issue with you draping the American Flag around yourself, and trying to censor other people who have expressed opinions and facts in direct contention to yours. If your claiming Freedom of speech...It is for all, not just yourself.
  17. lwd

    lwd Ace

    Jul 24, 2007
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    I've known a couple of people (both over 18) who exhibited similar behavior to his initial posts. Both had pretty significant mental issues that worsened over time. None as quickly as his though. So it's possible he is older. If he's a teen or younger there is at least hope he'll grow out of it. If it's a mental condition ... not so much.
  18. USMCPrice

    USMCPrice Idiot at Large

    Nov 15, 2009
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    God's Country
    My older son went to VMI, incredible awesome place. I think the one of last time's we went was for Colonel Dabney's (William H., Class of 1961) Navy Cross presentation. He had not been awarded it at the time (during the Vietnam War) because the helicopter carrying the recommendation had been shot down.

    We had stayed the night before at the same hotel his men were staying at, and they had a hospitality suite. My son was in the Marines at the time and my brother had gone with us also. We ran into several of Dabney's men in the lobby and we got to talking, my brother and I told them we had been Marines and my son was currently in the Marines getting ready to deploy to Iraq. They invited us to join them in the hospitality room, but we demurred; they said, "bullshit, come on". We spent the rest of the evening drinking and listening to story's of their fight for Hill's 881S and 861 at Khe Sahn, there were a couple more Navy Cross awardees (pilots and aircrew of the supporting helicopter squadron, I think all but Dabney's Navy Cross, and a Medal of Honor recipient from the Marines manning the hill(s) were posthumous) there and a beaucoup of Silver Star recipients. They had been (and still were) some hard men. One thing that came across during the talking and drinking was they all shared was a deep love and respect for Dabney.

    They had the whole dress parade, and he was in a wheelchair on oxygen because he'd been battling cancer. When the colors came by he rose from his wheelchair and saluted, when the band came by playing the Marine Corps Hymn he rose again and came to attention. Then we went to Jackson Chapel for the awards ceremony.
    The most touching moment was his speech after he was presented his award. He had his men stand, recognized them and said the award was theirs. As he was being wheeled out after the ceremony when he got to the center aisle Dabney yelled in a booming commanding voice, "Men! One more time, follow me! They did, most of them crying like babies. I must admit, my eyeballs were sweating too. We were also introduced to his wife, Virginia Puller Dabney, Lt. General Lewis "Chesty" Puller's daughter. She was a very refined, classy lady, almost like royalty.

    I've got it all on video, I need to find it and post it here, it was very inspiring.

    Anyway, here's a link to an article on it:


    More info on Dabney, Khe Sahn and his men here:

    William H. Dabney

    Warriors of Hill 881South; 12-26-67 to 04-18-68
    lwd likes this.
  19. USMCPrice

    USMCPrice Idiot at Large

    Nov 15, 2009
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    God's Country
    It's called sarcasm Shooterike, he wasn't serious.
  20. Takao

    Takao Ace

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Reading, PA
    I have seen casualty estimates ranging from 2,000-5,000 depending on the source. The situation, as expected, was quite hectic, so reports here were not filed expediently. IIRC, some casualty counts covered days, so a specific casualty count at Omaha is usually a best guess.

    Rich, would be the go-to-guy for this matter.

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