That's it, the generals have to go to the front to try to provide direction to the troops. If the Russians need a general to get things moving, naturally that makes him a prime target.
Hello inhabitants of the Internqtional Community! Do you realize that the Fake News "media" have hijacked your brains? Vasal srate of Germany slowly realizes they'll pay the price of the war instigated by the Masters in Washington. Europe will suffer equally as Russia, but Russians are addapted to shortages, Europeans not. Russia still can escape to the east but Europe is where it is. Now Europe is doomed: it is what it is for long time now. The Union Of Vasal states of Europe whobuilt their wellfare on cheap exports of Russia. The end is close. Europe will have to wait for permission to get access to the International markets, just like post world war I Weimar Germany had to wait for permissions from London. Finland included and Krajala (Karelia) goes East with Russisns. Hastalavista Finland!
Ukraine, or should I say part of Ukraine in question, is marginal compared to the size of Russia. Insignifficant chunk of land, so to speak. For someone used to the western meaning of the word "Nation" It is difficult to understand. You understand Nationas a state, a conglomerate of many different people. Everything. Black, white, any ethnicity, whatever... In Europe, Nation means blood, heritage, genetic code, Fortunately, we haven't gone through the Melting Pot. We conceive that word seriously. It means what we are and where we do belong. This war isn't about the land. It is about the Blod and the Soil. Territories at the South and East belong to the Mother Russia and will be recaptured and kept forever.
Come and get it...Like Winter War. BTW, do you even know how many paths there are between Finland and Russia. Summer or winter, your tanks must go through forests and over the lakes, there is no motor highways to use.And we blow the bridges. And when the rest of Europe sold their heavy weaponry we bought them, and a nice number of Leopards. Just gotta wonder how long it will take the Russian army to be in the same shape as before the Ukraine war. 20 years? or more? And Putin said inflation is already 17% in Russia, just wait a while how high it gets. Soon it will be a million Rubles to get one bread like in Germany during the 1920´s. Still intending to move to your paradise? So nice to speak big when you are not yourself where you say you should be. Dedicated? Then you would join the Russian Army. I cannot see it coming, you are just throwing dirt onto the walls.
Finland. Tank country. Reconnaissance poor. A surprise? Russian army will have plenty of lakes and rivers to cross without bridges and dense forests where we are living and skiing all year long, We are used to the -30 C degrees winter, and a meter of snow. Or summertime, when you cannot even cross the country because of the lakes.Big mouth, dead army.
And if that is not enough we can let the lakes flow to the Karelian isthmus, which is some 7 metres lower than the Finnish mainland. It was counted during Ww2 that the Isthmus would then be under 1-1.5 metres of water. Another "weapon" in our pocket.
Seems like Putin is worse golf player than Hitler. Hitler did not get out of the bunker, but Putin's driver shot does not even reach the bunker. Interesting, that this new offensive is still called some kinda minor operation by Putin. After two months of massive operations it seems quite a lot bigger to me. It is even forbiddden in Russia to call It a war.
Do you have proof there is no Jewish blood in your family tree for 5-6 generations back in time? If there is you are only worth a bullet in the head according to the genetic laws you talk about. You might be just genetic pollution? You talk of pureness of genes so follow the Nuremberg race laws.No proof and no Nazi German citizenship, no marrige with German women, and enter the concentration camp. If you talk of genes, better make sure you don't pollute the gene pool yourself according to the laws you talk about.
On another tack: I see that Germany is giving the Ukraine some of its new self-propelled automatic 155mm guns. These are capable of aquick utomatic fire controlled by a computer. I saw a new segment on these a few years ago. One gun fired 5 rounds at different elevations and all the rounds landed at the same time and place. Basically, this makes one gun the equivalent of a whole battery, or nearly so. Naturally, it has a gun housing that protects against projectiles, radiation and gas. Training will be done in Germany or Poland. I hope they make it to the front in time to be effective!
Nor does he understand the Russian version of Communism. Russia hides behind a Communist doctrine while promoting an Autocracy. Their military is "supposedly" proclaimed a Self Defense Force and to justify the autocratic goal the leaders constantly claim everyone is out to get them. In the meantime invading, annexing and cajoling other Countries into submission. In other words, doing exactly what they claim others 'plan' to do to them. The only thing Russia needs to fear is itself. Eventually it will try to bite the wrong dog. It has a large land mass but the population is highly concentrated in urban areas so most of the country is under utilized. Russia has nearly a hundred recognized languages and several dozen ethnic groups. So much for "Nation means blood, heritage, genetic code."
Let's see if the neo-nazi is as pure as he claims to be or says he does not know. Funny how in nazi Germany many failed due to family tree. This is something you cannot escape as it is original nazi government law...and required before getting married. Even 1/8 Of Jewish origin was considered non-aryan. Do you have even blue eyes?
No such thing as "Aryan" - "of or relating to a hypothetical ethnic type illustrated by or descended from early speakers of Indo-European languages. - "Aryan or Arya is a term originally used as an ethnocultural self-designation by Indo-Iranians. Judaism is a religion not a race (plenty would disagree). We know today that there is not enough genetic difference to have different "races" - WE are the human race - Not PC just (inconveniant) fact.
Yes, but the nazis and Putin and Tamino considers the new breed as the white-haired blue-eyed people and the rest are slaves. Just like Adolf.