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Canada - Conservative majority government, Yahoo!!!

Discussion in 'Free Fire Zone' started by Ken The Kanuck, May 2, 2011.

  1. Ken The Kanuck

    Ken The Kanuck Member

    May 16, 2010
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    I am one happy guy tonight.;)

  2. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    ok bud open the oil pipelines to your bro's to the south lets start getting gas prices down low, low, lower . . . . . enough of this borrowed promised M.E oil anymore :spin:
  3. Slipdigit

    Slipdigit Good Ol' Boy Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    May 21, 2007
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    I did not realise that y'all were having an election.

    How conservative are the Canadian conservatives?
  4. Ken The Kanuck

    Ken The Kanuck Member

    May 16, 2010
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    Both questions

    First, we pay more up here for gas than you southern brothers. Taxed to the hilt which concerning gas might be a good idea, but that is another discussion.

    Second, our Conservatives are not exactly a little to the right of Attilla The Hun, but one of their campaign promises is that they will repeal our stupid long gun registry initiated by the Liberals when they were in power.

  5. Otto

    Otto GröFaZ Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    Jan 1, 2000
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    DFW, Texas
    In Canadian politics "conservative" does not mean the same thing as it does in the US. The Canadian political system has several regional based parties that divvy up the pie, and their platforms span a wide variety on good number of issues, while being almost identical on a few key items. For example, health care and tight banking regulations are a given for all Canadian parties, which obviously isn't the case south of the border. The current conservative leader Stephen Harper holds similar social policies to the US conservatives, anti-abortion, anti-gay marriage, etc, but there is a wide array in opposition to him on these points.
  6. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    I wonder if that happens? if that means you all can own guns again? or and export and import them?
  7. Otto

    Otto GröFaZ Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    Jan 1, 2000
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    DFW, Texas
    Canadian's have always been able to own guns. There was an attempt a few years ago for a national gun registry, which wasn't well thought out by the party that came up with it. The registration process didn't change the legality of owning a weapon, and they will be legal to own after the repeal of the registry also.
  8. Ken The Kanuck

    Ken The Kanuck Member

    May 16, 2010
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    Hi Carl,

    What it means is that we will stop wasting money registering the long guns of honest folks (the criminals of course never did register theirs). Our handguns still will have to be registered. Although we are not as good as Texas when it comes to gun ownership we are better off than states like California, Illinois, New Jersey, Michigan,etc. Sometimes it seems like the antis are relentless and are winning every battle, freedoms are disappearing one after another, big brothers control is becoming all encompassing. A victory like tonight and the repeal of a stupid do nothing good law, is a victory for personal freedom. And that my friend is a step in the right direction.

  9. Poppy

    Poppy grasshopper

    Apr 9, 2008
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    Hunh? Allowed to own guns? Sure,long guns, if you cough up some dough and your family history, and when you take a bowel movement. Handguns are very regulated. Folks who abide are not the problem. Wonder where most illegal guns come from? Wonder how many US citizens would divulge all their info to the gov?
    PC better eliminate the registry, as per their platform. ...Registry was another white elephant brewed up by the Libs who think guns are bad. Turds. Happy they lost.
  10. Ken The Kanuck

    Ken The Kanuck Member

    May 16, 2010
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    Oh Carl,

    One more point regarding import/export. Our problem up here is that the U.S. Department of Homeland Security decided that we are not to be trusted buying guns, ammo or even optics from the States and have banned sale to us. Our government has no problem with us importing this stuff but if we get caught with it in the States we go to jail. Never know when I might use that trap load to overthrow the government?

  11. Poppy

    Poppy grasshopper

    Apr 9, 2008
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    HAHAHA. And we are buying the F35? We need to upgrade, but ...
  12. Otto

    Otto GröFaZ Staff Member WW2|ORG Editor

    Jan 1, 2000
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    DFW, Texas
    I'm not going to get into a political stump discussion here, but in general Canada's gun laws are among the more lenient amongst First World nations. The US by comparison has some very liberal gun control regulation, (Texas), and some areas that are very restrictive, (Chicago, Illinois).

    As for the US not selling guns to non-resident foreigners, that seems like a good policy to me.
  13. Poppy

    Poppy grasshopper

    Apr 9, 2008
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    Well, if Ivan ever came running across the tundra you boy's could could count on us. With our 20 gauge's. Beaver traps. Sharp sticks.
  14. Ken The Kanuck

    Ken The Kanuck Member

    May 16, 2010
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    It would be a good policy if it were that simple. For example it would be a good policy not to sell foreigners guns or ammo that maybe used against the US in time of war. But on the other hand it is very poor policy to restrict your own manufacturers from selling things such as 12 gauge trap and duck load or 22 shells or shells for my old 32-40 or powder mfor my muzzle loader or guns and ammo that is readily available up here. It only hurts American business and God only knows that they could use some help rather than harm these days.

    The devil is in the details like normal and broad brush seldom does a good job.

  15. sunny971

    sunny971 Ace

    Apr 29, 2009
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    I'm not a fan of Harper...

    But I guess he's better than any other of those idiots in parlament. I just hate that they spend millions of dollars on elections (now twice in the last 3 years or so ) that are always ending with the same result ... That's money that could have stayed in my pocket... or given for a tax break.

    Next time the opposition wants to put up a last minuute election, there better be some sort of vote by the people to approve another election!!

    Enough is enough already!
    Totenkopf likes this.
  16. freebird

    freebird Member

    Nov 27, 2007
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    Well not exactly.
    Long guns have always been legal, although the Liberals set up this registry.

    Handguns are not legal to use or carry in Canada except basically for target shooting, and only with a licence, they are quite restricted.
    On the other hand, out murder rate and gun crime rate is less than a fifth of the US, so most folks aren't clamoring to allow increased availability of handguns.

    Big difference between our election and yours, there are no primaries, the whole campaign lasts about 45 - 60 days and then we're done - we don't have 2 years of politics ad nauseum.

    The Conservatives have been walking a tightrope for the last 5 years, they didn't have a majority, but now they do.
    They supported our military while the NDP would have scrapped most military spending & taken a Kumbaya approach to dealing with Taliban & al Queda etc. The Conservatives are for reducing the deficit while the NDP want to increase social spending & raise taxes.

    To give you an idea the NDP (New Democrats) represent the political spectrum of something between Nancy Pelosi & Dick Durbin.
    The Liberals are somewhere between Joe Biden & the Blue Dogs. (very rough description)
    Our country seems to be polarizing like yours, the new parliament will be more to the right and more to the left, with fewer centerists.

    Oh there is some sort of vote - we booted out the Liberals & the Separatists, they'll be no more votes for a few years now!
  17. Dauntless

    Dauntless Member

    Feb 10, 2011
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    I've been reading up on the election. I knew one was coming and I was aware of some of the issues.

    I'm glad the conservatives won. There is a parallel to US elections on that kind of thing. A happy note for those of us not pleased with the present US administration.
  18. ULITHI

    ULITHI Ace

    Mar 9, 2010
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    I want to know this: Are countries with multiple political parites (who have a chance at gaining power) more content with their politics than say my country's two party domination?

    I have maybe a niave feeling that they are.

    Because, as a comedian once said of the U.S., "Our two party system is a bowl of sh-- starring in the mirror at itself".
  19. Ken The Kanuck

    Ken The Kanuck Member

    May 16, 2010
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    I believe that having more than 2 parties is a very good thing, but there is an increased danger of a minority government (which may or may not be a good thing). The problem with a minority government is that the opposition parties combined have more seats (votes) in the House of Parliment and often thwart the elected government and cause additional unwanted elections. But a minority government has to watch it's Ps & Qs which can also be a good thing.

    But the short answer is yes, atleast you don't get the same whore dressed up in different clothes, we get different whores.

  20. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Hi Ken, Otto, Poppy, thanks for clearing a few things up. At least it is a step in the correct direction. We had the expiration of a very stupid law instituted under clinton which had a sunset clause in it. That one banned the manufacture of Assault Rifles and had other restrictioons. Well, at that time, I owned an AK-47 and two SKS Carbines-one of which I had just spent a lot of money getting it converted into an Assault Rifle. Well, thankfully, that nonsense ended. I THINK we can now also get 15 round hi cap mags for hand guns.

    I was able to get around certain things thanks to having a spic and span background as well as some time in Law Enforcement and such. The last hand gun I bought, I was able to take out of the gun show that day. Actually, it was the next day as they required a 24 hour (pause) but had my info came back before closing time, I could have had it that day. One thing I have to say about our F.B.I. guys, is that-DAMN they are good at those things. ;-))

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