224 British Graves Most of the soldiers buried here are from the North Staffordshire and South Staffordshire Regiments which played an active part in the battle to liberate Caen on 8th and 9th July 1944. The cemetery of Carnbes-en-Plalne is situated in the former park of the Chateau: bitterly dispuuted territory in the summer of 1944. On the edge of the village near a new housing development this little cemetery is hidden under poplars. It is bounded by hedge-rows with a variety of species of flowering shrubs. Views on to the adjoining formal park give to this little enclave an impression of added space. The rounded entrannce has a flat roof and houses the visitors' hall. The Cross of Sacrifice couched in the shade of tall trees faces a single square of headstones. In a setting of some excellence, this little cemetery adds purrpose to a walk or outing with a sense of peace and rest in one of the rare islets of foliage on the plain of tillage, north of Caen.