I want to sincerely thank ww2forum members for help as I researched my WWII novel that is now available on Amazon and in independent bookstores. The Osprey and the Sea Wolf - The Battle of the Atlantic 1942 is about the German U-Boat campaign in the Western Atlantic (Operation Drumbeat) that came close to severing the vital artery of war supplies between America and Great Britain. This history-inspired novel is told from the points of view of two protagonists: Rainer, a 32 year-old career Naval officer and highly successful U-Boat commander from Lübeck Germany, and Ramón, a 24 year-old Mexican-American B-25 pilot from a small town in SW Texas. The story follows these two warriors through the deadly dance of submarine warfare off the east coast of America, the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean Sea. On the home front both characters experience intrigue, betrayal, loss and love.