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Warsaw Uprising 1944 Polish Diary

Discussion in 'Eastern Europe February 1943 to End of War' started by Bolshevik, Nov 4, 2022.

  1. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    1944... August...Day 31. E 6.01 W 19.43. 21°C
    Cloudy. Vistula 70cm.

    Thursday 31st...Rajmund Bohdan...(Rajmundo Bohdana)

    On the night of August 30-31, insurgents conduct a major effort to connect Srodmiecie with the Old Town..
    A few hours before the actual attacks, about 100 soldiers from "Czata 49" Battalion move through sewers to Bankowa Square. Their role is to attack German positions from the rear. However, they fail to surprise them and losses to attacking Polish troops are very large indeed.
    In fact, the attack from Bielanska street jumps between 3 and 4 am. Heavy German fire breaks it down.
    By 6 am, Colonel Karol Ziemski "Wachnowski" will order a retreat. The central city troops of Major Stanislaw Steczkowski "Zagonczyk" also fail to reach Bankowa Square.
    Success is sparse, with the seizures of the Police barracks at Warmia street for a few hours, and driving the Germans out of the Hall of Mirowski. A German counter-attack forces them to retreat as well.
    The breakthrough attempt collapses.
    Losses are huge, with the number of killed and injured reaching around 300 soldiers.
    Apart from the attack on Gdansk Station, this is the second bloodiest battle of the Uprising.

    During the day, Old Town defenders repel a general assault that is supported by Luftwaffe attacks. As a result of the bombing, Battalion "Chobry I" suffers heavily. It's HQ in the ruins of Simon's Passage is completely destroyed. About 300 people die under the rubble, including 120 soldiers from "Chobry I".

    German troops finally occupy the ruined "Fiat" factory at Sapiezynska street, and all the way to Koscielna and the Freta Outlet. Insurgents are also lost on Brzozowa street.

    From the morning, artillery fire against Sadyba has been taking place from several sources - Wilanow, Ursynow and Sluzewiec. Around noon, the Sadyba defenders repel a German assault, despite the artillery preparation fire.
  2. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    I must apologize for the delay.

    The Google translator is less than workable. I started by taking a photo, but it seems to overload the Google translator, and I'm using DeepL now instead.

    I've had to go back and type in each Polish word one at a time. DeepL does a much better job than the Google translator. It's also allowing me to put in notes as I go. DeepL does a much more accurate job than Google translator. If you re read some of the posts, you'll find I now have interpreted some street names as well, and put a bit of research into the history of Warsaw as well as comments concerning the diary entries themselves.

    Sorry for this, but the effort will be worth my time invested, and the diary itself will be expanded as I go to reflect on each entry, day by day.

    Hope you enjoy the results.

    It will be worth your time as well.

  3. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    Now you've locked the whole thread and prevented me from adding to the existing posts?


    I specifically requested in good faith exactly the opposite.

    Could a moderator PLEASE grant my request?
    I've been waiting for days
  4. Owen

    Owen O

    May 14, 2006
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    Thread is not locked.
  5. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    The thread is not locked, but I cannot edit existing posts. Could you please remedy this?

    It doesn't say "Edit" on any of the posts now. In the lower left hand corner it says " Report" and in the lower right hand corner " Reply", but it doesn't say "Edit" anywhere on the posts.

    Please remedy this so I can resume posting. I have time on my hands and a bit of research to add to make the thread as informative and enjoyable as possible.


  6. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    I believe you have 24 hours to edit after posting. Otherwise it would cause problems of folks altering content. I've got quite a few misspellings scattered around the threads.
    Owen likes this.
  7. Bolshevik

    Bolshevik Active Member

    Apr 9, 2022
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    Surely you can open it back up? I've got a better translator than Google, it's called DeepL. But I have to put it in word by word because when you take a photo of the text you get poor results.

    Could you please reopen the editing function? I will put the word " complete" at the bottom of the finished individual posts.

    My Polish girl doesn't have the time to help, but I can do this given enough time.

    Also, what is the address to send my contributions to become a paying patron of this site? I believe there is an address to send money to Otto personally, as I am unwilling to furnish my card details.

    Please Mr Biak. Please open up the editing function and I will put the word " complete" at the bottom of each post as I go.
  8. Biak

    Biak Boy from Illinois Staff Member

    Nov 15, 2009
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    You can PM Otto on the Patronage.

    I'm more of a Hall Monitor with a big Ban hammer. Opening old posts for edits/changes is above my paygrade.

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