Dear Dave, Please tell me that you have a copy of the 157th AAR for August 1944? I found all other months but the one AAR I really need I can't find...the one where the 157th comes ashore in France 15th August 1944. Best regards Lars
Hello. Would you happen to have a copy of the AAR for the 157th for May 1944? Or maybe know where I can get it. I know all the AARs were posted years ago to the forum back when it was a Yahoo Group, but I haven't been able to find anything since. My uncle was KIA on May 27, 1944 just outside Anzio. I'm not sure, but I believe he was 2nd Battalion, Co. E. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you. Steven
Hi Steven, Yes I do - to large to upload here - please find all I have on 157th Infantry regiment on my Google Drive: 157th-Infantry-Regiment - Google Drive I will remove folder at some point (if no longer there please ask again). Also; I can not recall what my source was for this so I can't tell you who to credit.
Hello Lars, I want to thank you so very, very much for giving me access to the AAR's. I've been trying to get these for almost 4 years. I'm ecstatic. And thank you for all the hard work you do to help keep the memories of all the brave men who fought in WW II. Great job. Steven
Thanks Steven - just paying it forward as I know you will some day - I know exactly what you feel as I've been there numerous times myself courtesy of other good hearted people. My 157th knowledge pretty much start with Operation Dragoon (August '44) - but if there is anything else I can do let me know. One of our signatories as Mr Karl O. Mann who was assigned to M-Co, 3 Bn as a replacement at Anzio, he later became the translator of (then) Lt Col. Sparks. Mr Mann is no longer with us, but we still have contact with his grandson Jeff - your uncle would not have served with Mr Mann though if he KIA'd in May '44. Good luck with your research.