No not at this time. I believe that the Mullet Toss that you are referring to is the last full weekend in April. Upwards of several hundred...
Nothing to see here, double post, move along....
Hey I recognize that one!
I’m sure like in most wars that there are foreign observers attached to units in the field or watching new weapons being tested (put into use).
I sent one last month. Sometime in the middle of the month. The 16th to be exact. From south. Alabama.
The description of the Icelandic adventure continues…. Another thing about Iceland is their relative lack of forested areas. There’s a lot of...
I think a provisional USMC brigade relieved the British in early 1941. Later the US Army took over and landed several large engineer units. They...
Not a problem, at times I seem to get anal over acknowledgments of messages, texts and mailed items. They’ll get there when they get there!
[ATTACH] I have to scrub the mission and return to base. There’s a large crack in the bombardier’s nose cone….
Were the British monitors you mentioned blue water worthy? Or just able to be used in coastal settings?
Dang y’all are good!
What in tarnation is this contraption? It sure does look like a P-47 but I’m not so sure about it. [ATTACH]
I can just imagine the batchelor’s party!
I have also read that the army detail that escorted Abram Lincoln’s body from Washington DC to Springfield, Illinois were all awarded the Medal of...
Winner winner chicken dinner!
Nope, but I thought the same thing when I first saw this pic.
Well gents, here’s the latest. Is it real or not and if it is real what is it? [ATTACH]
Also I’ve read in the past that a USN officer admiral type strongly recommended having an entire Marine amphibious corps brought in from the PTO...
Y’all dug up and wrecked my old thread real good.
I have read in the past that there was Marine participation in the Torch landings in 1942. A small ad hoc unit about the size of a reinforced...