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1939 Iron Cross and Silver wound badge for £100?

Discussion in 'Medals, Insignia, Badges & Recalls' started by dengwill, Jan 8, 2009.

  1. dengwill

    dengwill Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Hi there, just asking something before closing a deal!

    Is an unmarked, good condition Iron cross and a silver wound badge mm 100 good for £100?

    Also, out of the two mm, 100 and 26 for a silver wound badge, which would you go for?

    Many thanks in advance.
  2. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Together, thats not a bad price and I would buy both of them.
  3. dengwill

    dengwill Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Thanks C.E, I've attached some pictures this time so you can have a better look! Basically, there are also 2 Iron crosses, one is unmarked and one is MM24 but it actually stamped with an arrow (I'm told this is normal).

    The arrow marked one is a fiver more, but I'm not sure whether to go for it over the unmarked and slight better con. one?

    Sadly, as much as I'd love to I can't afford both badges! I've attached two pics of the wound badges, which in your opinion should I go for?


    Attached Files:

  4. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Quite welcome. Personally, i'd go for the Silver WBs because you can always find 1939 EK2s somewhat cheaper. The Silver WBs in USDollars--should go for around $65.00 I don't know how much this is in Pounds? But if you get both Ek2 and a SWB for 100pounds, that's not horribly high-but is still higher than it should be.

    These prices--almost smells like your buying from jamie cross-a slick dealer I know much about and do not like.

    Also, just another nail in the jamie cross coffin-was about two years ago. I traded a friend a 3 and a 4 place Imperial medal bars for a small Imperial German Marines grouping. The friend I traded w/ made a trade with jamie cross for those two medal bars-both of which were Bavarian. Anyway, I was told to go look at jcs site as my ex-medal bars were on it and for sale.

    I went, and saw them listed at un-Godly high prices. What pissed me off about it was that jc gave each medal bar-a fictional made up story--both of which were lies.

    If you absolutely HAVE to buy from a British dealer-avoid jamie cross like you would avoid the Plague. My faovrite dealer in Eng-to buy from is Malcomb Gordon-who has a shop on Portabello Road. He's not perfect and has unintentionally sold repos-but he never makes up stories about the stuff he sells.
  5. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    I confirm this is a fair price . It would be the same in Euros, possibly more, and since the Pound collapsed , it's cheaper for us to buy those in the UK . They used to be more expensive not so long ago when the Pound was higher.
  6. dengwill

    dengwill Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Thanks again!

    I think I might go with you on that one, but I really want an EK2!

    So here's the plan, I'm gonna get the two wound badges and the EK2, but which of the two EK's? They're both very similar bar the arrow on the eyelet of one of them.

    Don't worry, I'm not using jamie cross, It's a private dealer who's having a sell out.
  7. Skipper

    Skipper Kommodore

    Jun 6, 2006
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    I know what you mean. I received a second class EK for Christmas. It had been in the familly for many years. Go for it, as prices will certainly go up in the next coming years.
  8. dengwill

    dengwill Member

    Dec 29, 2008
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    Which one though? I've posted two different pics of them. Marked and worse condition or unmarked and better condition?
  9. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Thank you, and in this case-i'd pay the extra amount and get the marked cross. I have around 20 or so Eks (both classes) in my collection. All 4 of my EK 1's are maker-marked-and I think I have only 1-2 EK2s that are marked-and I think they both are Imperial Eks. This includes one marked KO-for the Kings own Medals Maker) which includes the two Imperial CrossesI got that were part of that small Imperial German Marines grouping.

    Good idea and stay away from creeps like he is. BTW--the German RKT gents don't like him and gordy williamson.

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