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7-place Luftwaffe ribbon bar find at gunshow.

Discussion in 'Militaria' started by C.Evans, Oct 18, 2003.

  1. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    :D For you Luftwaffe guys :D

    I snagged a 7 place Luftwaffe ribbon bar today at a local gunshow. The person selling did not know what he had. :D I got it cheap too. :D

    The awards are as followed:

    1) WW1 Ek2.
    2) War Cross of Honor w/swords.
    3) Sileasian Eagle 2nd Class. (This is a Freikorps award)
    4) Olympic Games Medal.
    5) Annexation of Austria Medal.
    6) Occupation of Sudetenland Medal w/Prague Defense Bar.
    7) Luftwaffe Long Service.

  2. Erich

    Erich Alte Hase

    May 13, 2001
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    good pick-up friend ! :D

    what else on the tables to drool over ?

  3. Kai-Petri

    Kai-Petri Kenraali

    Jul 31, 2002
    Likes Received:
    Congrats Carl!!

  4. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
    Likes Received:
    Thanks guys.

    There wasn't much else to drool over except for several all matching numbered M1-Carbines made by: Underwood, Sears, Ford, Inland and some other rare makers. They had these priced to sell and had I had about $2,000 with me--I would have bought all of them--especially the Underwood, Sears and Inland Carbines.

    There was a nice ww2 mint conditioned M1-Garand for sale at the "cheap" price of $3,500. :eek: :eek: [​IMG] [​IMG] wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy too frigging high. :( :mad:

    I saw a few Walther P-38s for sale by this one dealer who has had these same P-38s for sale for years at way over market pricing. It's no wonder they never sell, and also they were parts guns--meaning they don't have matching numbers. These were priced at the $650 to $750 range. Heck, I can by a nice all matching early war P-38 for about $425.
  5. C.Evans

    C.Evans Expert

    Nov 28, 2000
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    Oh and it's quite feasable that the 7 place Luftwaffe ribbon bar could have been to a General but most likely this was to a Major of an Oberstleutnant.

    This is based on his length of time in service having seen combat in ww1, then with the Freikorps, and then still being young enough to have participated in the Olympic games and then taking probably a staff job or something like that when war again broke out.

    I don't think this bar is tracable and I figure that he was no more than an Oberstleutnant in 1939. Also, it could have been possible for him to have been killed in an accident after they occupied the Sudentenland or had died from a heart attack or some accident--which would speak for his not having any other awards or another Long Service award at least.

    It's a cool but not a "pretty" ribbon bar. (Shrugs his shoulders)

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