And that's likely all that they'll be raising for awhile; such ventures are extremely expensive. A large part of Dr. Robert Ballard's work was financed by the US Navy, just to give you an example. I do wonder if GRAF SPEE's hull is in good enough condition to even try raising her. If they can raise the hull, what do they propose to do then? Take her (a Nazi warship) back to Germany?
If they do raise it, it will probably go to the nearest harbor for restoration. Bringing it up is one thing, moving it will be even more tricky.
Please do me a favor and don´t use the word NAZI in context with the german navy. Nazi warship in a Nazi Harbor in a Nazi Dock under a Nazi Sky with Nazi Clouds and Nazi Birds. Regards, Che.
Che, whether you like it or not, the Kriegsmarine did sail and fight under the Nazi flag, and the decks of their surface ships did sport swastikas (in order to prevent friendly air attack, I'll grant, but still...), so calling any German WW2 naval vessels Nazi warships is perfectly legitimate. You are, of course, free to disagree with me on this point.
After this conclusion, it´s perfectly legitimate to call all german soldiers, who served during WW2, Nazis, cos they all wore the swastika on the right of their chest, their helmets and their caps ?! Regards, Che. the flag of the United States and the republic, which it stands for, with liberty and justice for all They swear to Hitler, without being a nazi, they wanted to serve germany and not the Nazis.
Pfff, they swear to Hitler, cos they had to if they want to serve for germany, it was the condition to join the army. It was just ironical, apologizes for eventualy insult -.-