Alwin Boerst flew Stuka's during WW2. he would have a total of 1060 missions before being shot down at the east front. only Udel did beter with over 2.500 missions. in may 1940 alwin, and the sqaudron in which he served, hat to attack the brigdes across the river Dender (a sideriver of the Schelde). it would be his 41 mission. the brigdes were located at Aalst (Alost in French) and where in the middle of the city. the goal was to prevent the Britisch to get troops across the river. the mission was off target, non of the brigdes was destroyed but more then 30 people died arround those bridges, almost everybody was a civilian. also on the same date. another Stuka attack took place at the Brigdes acroos the river Schelde at Dendermonde (Termonde in French/ not even 10 kilometers away from my home). this was done by a training groep. the bridges were at the end of the city, in the open. both were destroyed. about 10 men got killed. i readed it in a book that is going about the air warfare in my region. i'm suprised that the air war was so intens above belgium. it's a war that almost nobody knows.