Hello First post to this great forum. Could anyone help me ID this medal please which is the only George VI medal in a WW1 medal set which includes DCM, MSM and French Croix de Guerre. The recipient would have been 50-55 years old during WW2. Thank you in anticipation Don
I have no idea of this medals origin, but you really should post this same question over on our sister forum, ww2t.com for a more British/Commonwealth/Euro look at things. You will probably get a few more hits over there. By all means let us know what you find out.
Isn't this a George VI Constbulary Medal ? The only thing the troubles me are the thicker black lines.
Thanks for your replies skipper and sniper1946. Frustratingly I cannot provide a pic of the reverse as they are not in my possession. Actually - I have a reverse pic of the set but it does not have this medal in it! - which suggests to me that it has been placed there at a later date than when the reverse pic was taken - perhaps by relatives/descendents. I cannot see this as a George Medal but the George VI constabulary medal is close. Could either of you send me links to good pics of these with good colour rendition? A constabulary medal or perhaps Home Guard/Air Raid Warden award fits as the man was in the Military Police during WW1. If you can nail a definitive ID down I would be very grateful - does the style of the Kings head/crown help - was this later in his reign? Thanks again for all your help Don
possibly the war medal 1939-45.. A reverse pic will definately help... http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgurl=http://www.grantsmilitaria.com/gall/pix/images/159.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.grantsmilitaria.com/militariaphotos/militaria_images.asp%3Fkey%3D159&usg=__Evq2ITGsie4LRyKQH92j1sqBG38=&h=324&w=175&sz=15&hl=en&start=14&sig2=5CU3RqVylZKQ5v-cXJU-Zw&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=Elgk8UsOIMBcZM:&tbnh=118&tbnw=64&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dbritish%2BWWII%2Bmedals%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26rlz%3D1T4TSEH_en___GB354%26tbs%3Disch:1&ei=Qu_0S8PLJoeX_QaWwL2xCg http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?imgu...&ndsp=18&tbs=isch:1&ei=Aen0S6_JBciO_AbTuNG0Cg
Have just logged on to this site for the second time and came across your request for help in identifying this medal. My dad has the exact same medal and, together with his other medals, I had them identified and was informed that this one IS referred to as the War Medal. It is only one medal with George VI on one side and the Lion on the reverse. Hope this helps. Sandy P.S. My Dad served with the Transvaal Scottish
Don, initially, i thought the medal would more likely be the Defence medal. One of sniper's links has mixed the British 1939-1945 (war) medal with the Defence medal's ribbon. The defence ribbon has the same style as the one in your photo - it just looks like the green has faded away. An obvious difference in the two medals is that the war medal has a crown, whereas the defence medal doesn't. As the recipient of your medal was aged 50-55 he would have been more likely to receive the defence medal (as it was given to people who took part in civilian service at home), but he could still have received the war medal if he was in the merchant navy or armed forces. Sorry if my reply has been rather confusing but I'll try and sum up what I'm talking about The medal is the 1939-1945 war medal, but the ribbon closer resembles the defence medal. So, he could have either been awarded the war medal, and was given the wrong ribbon, or he was awarded both and just used the ribbon from the defence medal - either to show he had both, or because he lost the original! Hope this helps.