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Bataan relics

Discussion in 'WWII Today' started by AnywhereAnytime, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. AnywhereAnytime

    AnywhereAnytime Member

    Feb 21, 2008
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    A good friend of mine who lived in Bataan and who did some battlefield archeology/relic hunting sent me some small relics as a gift. What a treat for a Bataan history nut like me.

    He dug these up along Trail 29 which was west/southwest of Mt. Samat. The 45th Infantry Philippine Scouts fought along this trail following the Japanese breakthrough at Mt. Samat. They were trying to counter-attack and restore the line somehow.

    I was able to identify and match the hardware with those from my web gear collection.


    A = Buckle from canvas legging
    B = Buckle from M1936 suspenders
    C = D-ring from M1936 suspenders; or from haversack pack carrier; or mussette bag
    D = Snap from cartridge belt
    E = Ammo stripper clip (Japanese)
    F = Shelter half pup tent grommet
    G = Haversack inner cinch buckle
    H = Gas mask bag hook

    Other angle:

    The backside of the stripper clip
  2. Red

    Red Member

    Mar 24, 2009
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    Wow, how did he manage to find these?!
    What tools, if any, did you guys use?
  3. AnywhereAnytime

    AnywhereAnytime Member

    Feb 21, 2008
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    Research and a metal detector :) A metal detector is useless without lots of research.

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