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British Army Service Stripes....

Discussion in 'Living History' started by Schwartzvogel, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. Schwartzvogel

    Schwartzvogel Member

    Mar 21, 2008
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    "Service stripes were worn on the lower left arm to indicate years of service, each red stripe indicates 1 years service during 1940 to 1945, and the white shows that your served before the war started i.e. a regular soldier."

    Is anyone on the forum an authority on this stripes.

    Basically, I`ll trying to put a re enactment kit together, which reflects as near as I can my real military service. To that end I served in the regs in a Corps, but the TA as Infantry & Cavalry...

    To that end if a soldier had served pre war, in the regs, left say 1936, but joined the TA say in Auguest 1939. Then served right through to the end of the war with his TA unit, would he be entitled to the white reg stripe, or just the red war stripes? Even if his regular service had been in a different arm?

    I hope my question makes sense, and someone out there can answer this question.

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