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Camp Female (90) Faces Prosecution

Discussion in 'Concentration, Death Camps and Crimes Against Huma' started by GRW, Mar 18, 2014.

  1. GRW

    GRW Pillboxologist WW2|ORG Editor

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Stirling, Scotland
    And why bloody not?
    "This grainy photograph shows the female Auschwitz death-camp guard who is set to stand trial on charges of aiding in mass murder.
    The woman, who is now 90 years old and has been identified only as Gisela S, worked at the camp under her maiden name Demming.
    If convicted, she will be among a handful of the 3,700 women employed to oversee female prisoners to face justice.
    Gisela S. is the second person within a week judged to be fit to answer charges relating to their roles in the camp in occupied Poland where some 1.1million people, mostly Jews, were killed.
    The other is Oskar Groening, 92, who was in charge of sending back the possessions and money of the doomed to his SS masters in Berlin.
    Gisela S is now living in a home near Hamburg, and has been described as a fanatical Nazi supporter who early on in the Nazi regime joined the BDM, the League of German Maidens, before entering the SS in 1940.
    The Federal Archive in Berlin threw up her SS identity card for war crimes investigators. It shows a cold, hard-faced woman who worked in Auschwitz in 1944 under her maiden name of Demming.
    It is claimed at Asuchwitz she was a harsh disciplinarian who beat prisoners and who was often in charge of the standing cells - small, dark rooms where up to 15 people at a time were crammed in for minor rule infractions. It was not uncommon to leave people in these rooms for days on end, causing the death of some or all of those confined."
  2. TD-Tommy776

    TD-Tommy776 Man of Constant Sorrow

    Jun 3, 2011
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    The Land of 10,000 Loons
    Agreed, Gordon. I know some might say, "She's 90 years old. Leave her alone". I say, she deserves the mercy she meted out to those who died at Auschwitz. If human life has any value, she should be held accountable.
  3. LRusso216

    LRusso216 Graybeard Staff Member

    Jan 5, 2009
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    I agree. She may look like a "granny", but her early life defines who she is. She must be held accountable, as should all those involved. I shudder when I think of them.
  4. GRW

    GRW Pillboxologist WW2|ORG Editor

    Oct 26, 2003
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    Stirling, Scotland
    Correct. She wasn't 90 when she was at Auschwitz.

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