Here's some items i've had a while wich I couldn't ID sofar . Can be the tassles and the guilded wheel are of east german NVA origin, might be German WW1 though .. The Stickpin and the cap emblem are definately German WW1 era ,but from what from?? Batons might be US or Austrian origine ,all came from Southern Germany and there were two US cap badges in tht lot too idea . (think Ausrian) View attachment 9794
top one could be: "Liberation from the Fascist Yoke" Medal (Medalia "Eliberarea de sub jugul fascist") (1949) or from Bulgaria War with Serbia Medal, 1885 (1886). But since there looks to be a glue "circle" stain, indicating a missing item, you are probably right about it being Austrian, it may be the Verdienstmedaille vom Roten Kreuz (Red Cross Medal of Merit - either Gold, Silver or Bronze) bottom one could be: Italy Orden der Italienischen Krone, or the GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC (Medal for Long Service in the Fighting Groups of Working Class, 15 years) Any and all of my suggestions could/are wrong, but I'm pretty sure that neither are U.S. awards.