So are any of you folks off to do events commemorating D-Day? My unit isn't doing anything, there are very few events that are happy to have SS turn up to their commemorative events. On the other hand, loads of the allied groups are dashing over to Normandy to take parts in various convoys of vehicles, that kind of thing. It is a shame we can't do a battle or something similar, unfortunatly all the allies are busy and we can't fight ourselves. On the subject of commemorative events, a bunch of falshirmjager from the UK went to Italy to commemorate Rome, a couple of photos for you folks to enjoy:
rats cannot see the two images...... I wonder if any Fallshirm vets attended the Cassino activities last month ? E ~
Apparently, all inhabitants of Arromanches have received written instructions telling them either to remain indoors on Sunday, or to leave the area completely before then. Now that's how to celebrate liberation !
Martin, you were watching 'Have I Got News For You' as well then? Correction, the photos I posted were taken at Cassino.