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DUKW driver Wilmer Willis info request

Discussion in 'Military Service Records & Genealogical Research' started by Static_Sky25, Feb 24, 2009.

  1. Static_Sky25

    Static_Sky25 recruit

    Feb 24, 2009
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    hey, my Name is Joe and my father is Wilmer Willis DUKW driver from WWII need someones assistance on something...

    Dad can't remember what unit he was attached to... we was involved in the Normandy Landings (Landed at Omaha Beach, but was originally assigned to land at Utah and had to Divert due to the beach not being secure) also was involved in the Bastonge rescue under Patton and he crossed the Rhine but can't remember the location just that there was a bridge that was destroyed later...

    later dad was transferred to the CBI and was in China when they dropped the A-bombs on Japan... don't know how much that info will help but there it is...

    Also his awards are as follows:
    Silver Star, French Croix Deguerre, Army Good Conduct Medal

    Campaign Ribbons: Europe-Africa-Middle East Medal with Bronze Arrowhead and Star and Asiatic-Pacific

    to the best of dads Knowledge he was in Pattons 3rd army 5th Amphibious Corps (he remembers being organised under an Engineering unit however)after he was transferred from the First Army (where he was in the Fort Knox Demonstration Unit, then a Calvary Unit Equipped with Harley and Indian Motorcycles)

    Looking for any unit numbers he may have been involved with and any help is much appreciated

  2. 107thcav

    107thcav Member

    Nov 2, 2009
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    Hi Joe, amphibious dukw units that hit the beach on Normandy were the 457th, 458th and the 459th. That was pretty much it as far as the dukw units go. Do you have the discharge paper what does it say on the front of the paper underneath his name. Because dukw units were really kind of on their own like orphans attached to different units along the way the number of the unit like 4th port battalion or 5th port battalion was given to them as they returned to the states. I would like to know more about him let me know what it states on the discharge and we will go from there. Thanks, Eric

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