What was the impact this man had on German tank development during WWII ? Is it true that he was preferred by the Nazi goverment because of his connections with them during the design and development phases of the Tiger II, while Henschel was more or less in the doghouse ?
A lot of the knowledge and information in the german 'warindustry' came directly from motorsport. Both BMW and Mercedes produced engines to airplanes. And Daimler Benz produced also engines to alot of different vehicles used duriing the war. And all the motorcycles, thats from BMW. Ferdinand Porsche was a part of the german rearmament. He did designed and produced prototypes of new vehicles and tanks. One of them was a tank which had codename 'Maus' or mammut. Bigest tank ever produced. 188 tons and 9 meter long. But because of the huge strain/influence, suspension and several parts were destroyed, so there were only bulid 2 of them. And they didnt even finish the last one. German had great knowledge of engineer and motor tecnology, and that was one reason why Germany was so hard to beat in the early years of ww2. Germany are still very good in the trade, but fortunately they fight on the racing-circuit now, and not on the battlefields