Some stuff I found some time ago near Groesbeek and the Reichswald area. US messtins.... look at the condition!!! 82nd AB US parachute piece. UK brenn gun magazines. Will be updated when I find some old photo's.... and if I ever visit the area again (not so often). Best regards, Nick
Part of an German badge. I'm a little bit a shamed by myself, found this on a trip last year but I didn't reconized it. When last week I was cleaning some old findings I got this in my hands... I thought... damn! This looks formiliar! Its not complete, but still happy with it.
it's a part of a pin . You can clearly recogize the German oak symbols. It's however hard to identify which branch it belonged to. Most likely Flak or Heer. I remeber seeing these with crossed guns
Small update, this is an filter of a German Volksturm gasmask. .....With a bullet hole in it. Found near Moyland, Reichswald.
I visited the Reichswald again today, with some interesting finds, A Dorsetshire barret pin, sten and brengun magazines, some buckles, a English beerbottle and some UK jerrycans...
cool Dorset insignia! I also like the beer bottle. Does it say which brewery? If yes you could try to get a label.
You do? I never take them with me. I still have one laying in the yard with bullet and scrapnell holes.