What's everybody got planned for the end of summer/fall in terms of events? We're doing Odessa, NY in early September, and then a small one day tactical in Camp Smith, NY in October. What all is everyone else up to these days?
Lets see, I have so many events to decide from. I have a small tactical to go to this month. In september I have the large public battle in Rockford Il. There wil be a bunch of vehicles and armor there. Also in september I have the TSG national battle. Then in October I might be going to the HRS national battle, but unless my cross country team makes it to the state finals I'll be at the fall tactical in Rennsallear In. I'm not sure what I have planned for november or december yet.
Wow, that's a pretty decent schedule. What group do you portray? You guys have a website? Seem as if more stuff goes in the middle part of the country then either coast. Being in the NJ/NY/PA region, we get about one event a month that is practical to attend.
We portray the 125th Panzeraufklarung Abteilung of the 25th Panzergrenadier Division. Our website is www.25panzergrendiv.com We normally hit about 13-16 events each year. And yes, the midwest is the place to be for reenactments, as far as I can tell at least. Langemann
theres always Rensellaer Indiana in the fall! i hear that there will be new event coordinators that will revolutionize how tacticals are fought.
When in September in Rockford? Also when in Indiana? I only live about an hour and a half from Rockford and not that far from Northern Indiana. Greg
Greg here's the link to a HUGE event in northwest indiana. Its next weekend, if you can make it I suggest you go. Are you a reenactor or have you been to a reenactment before? http://members.aol.com/bollows/lowell.html Unitypunk, rennsellaer is under new leadership. The last event was great.
I'm not going to be able to make it. My dad and I are going to a Civil War Symposium Saturday, and I have to do my shopping and catch up cleaning on Sunday . Keep me advised of any other events coming up. I'm not a reenactor or anything but I like seeing the battles being reenacted. Greg