These are findings i collected over the years and are from various crashsites of German bombers around my hometown. During WWII the airfield nearby was used by the Luftwaffe to do bombing-runs over England. Many German planes crash-landed near the airfield or where shot down by the RAF when they followed them on their way back from England. They where an easy prey! Sometimes they where shotdown by their own Flak by mistake. From one crashsite i know it involved an Do 217. These pictures are some of the findings i collected:
Excellent . With the Werknumbers you can identify the aircraft (DORNIER 217 Werk 218) . The stencilled Fuselage is an inner part and confirms the DO217. There is also part of an electrical device with 40 volt and 10 Amperes. The buckles and the button are most interesting (personnal belongings) Is there a sugar spoon too?
Thanks for your response Skipper! Ideed there is a sugar spoon, i found it near the crashsite, i can tell its from the same timeperiod but i'm not sure if it was onboard of the plane when it crashed. All the crewmembers died in the crash, i heard that from someone who still lives at that spot! All the findings are from 4 different crashsites.
ar once again very nice pics thankyou for showing us your good time keep up the nice work well done cheers krieg
Edwin, very interessting relics. I see an object with "Franz Lange Berlin" stamped on it, is this also from the Do.217? Because I have found 3 of the same objects on an unknown German crashsite.
Hey Nick, the object is indeed from the Do 217 crashsite, it used to cover a button or small handle like a safetycap. Its from the interior but i do not know if this is a common object and used in different types of airplanes or if it is specificly for the Do 217.
Also the tiny circles with a number on the aluminium parts are probably from another crashsite and most likely Messerschmitt. I have many similar parts and these little factory numbers are on the pieces to get them easier assembled. if you have Me plans you could even find out what actual piece they were. The "Bal" sign I have seen before it's a aircraft manufacturer that made spares for other main brands. I forgot the name though.
the full werke nummer on the Do 217J would be 1228. I cannot seem to find a loss date nor crew for this particular fighter
I heard that the Germans used useble parts from crashlanded planes to fix still flying planes, so sometimes a plane contained parts from other planes and still had the same number. This to cover up the loss of the original plane and keep the statistics low.
actually every crashed a/c will have an after action report even if it is a field mis-hap ` accident, does not matter whether the craft was torn down for re-use in which many were especially fighters
Hey Aru-Ed! The label with "Preschona" on its top could be from a fuel filter. Preschona was a factory in Berlin which also built parts for Wernherr von Brauns rockets (Aggregat 2). This fuel filters were normally used in the Messerschmidt ME109E. Here you can find a picture of it: The label from the O2-Wächter from Auer und Dräger culd be from a kind of gasmask or anything like that. Auer is no longer in business but Dräger is a still well known factory which prduces many different kinds of filters for raspirator masks. Additionally I found out that only 130 Do 217J were built, all in Friedrichshafen. For more informations check this out: Dornier Do 217 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia So long - keep on searching
Correct, maybe I can find out more about the "49" in the circle. There is a list in www about the different factories in Germany and their factory-codes. If you don´t know this list I can also post a link here if you like.
This is the list I have so far. AI = Albatros AR =Arado AS = Argus Motoren BA = Bachem BF= Bayerische Flugzeugwerke (after 1938 Messerschmitt AG) Bü =Bückler BV= Blohm & Voss DFS =Deutsche Forschunganstalt für Segelflug (for gliders) DO = Dornier FA = Focke Agelis FG =Flugtechnische Fertigungsgemeinschaft Prag FH =Flugzeugwerk Halle FI = Fieseler FK = Flugzeugbau Kiel FL = Flettner FW = Focke Wulf GO = Gotthaer Wagonfabrik HA = Hamburger Flugzeugbau HE = Heinkel HM = Hirth Motoren HO = Reimar und Walter Horten HS = Henschel JU = Junkers KL = Klemm Flugzeugbau NR = Nagler Rolz SO= Heinze Sombold SK = Skoda Kauba WE = Weser Flugzeug Bau ZME = Zeppelin-Messerschmitt ZSO = Zeppelin-SNCASO Hope this helps.