If there is any interest in German small arms, I will get out my digital camera and shoot some pics of what I have available. Mg42, Mg34 ( dewatts ) K98k's ( five of them ) G43 P-08 P38 Sauer u. Sohn 7.65 Bayonets fighting knife stick grenade egg grenade Bill
I'm definately interested and I know that Stefan, Martin, Ericn, Antti and others will be interested as well. Antti, isn't registered yet but--hopfully he will be soon.
Bill, images would be fantastic, one of these days I will post some photographs of my little collection including an MP41 which is an interesting little item to have...
You win a cookie Kai--Antti is Finnish. I think his last name is spelled: Ruokommen or something like that.
Kai - Are you sure you don't live in the Pacific Northwest region of the U.S.? Around here we have Kangas, Wirkkala, Jurvakainen, Juntenen, Kankkonen, and more! Helsinki must be just around the corner! Stefan - Your MP41 sounds great. I used to have a dummied up MP40 years ago, a movie prop, but I dumped it along with most of my repro./reenactment material. I'll have to go and dig out my Mg34 and Mg 42, and set something up. Might not be today though. Just got in my Luft. KUBAN shield from Europe, and am researching out a pot full of EK II's I purchased, also out of Europe. So, with my work cut out for me researching things today, I might have to get to it in a day or two, but I will. Bill [ 21. June 2003, 03:57 PM: Message edited by: Bill Smith ]
I like to see pictures of the MG34 and MG42. The Kuban shield I also want to see. My goal is to have four shields: Narvik, Krim, Demjansk and Kuban. Right now I own Krim and Demjansk.
Hi Volkbert--I only have a Krim and 2 Narviks. I also want a Kuban and a Demjansk. Once I have those--then i'm going to seek getting ones with different backing cloths to them.
Hi Volkbert - I'll get those "maschenengewehr" shots up and running for you all probably tomorrow. Monday by the latest, I promise. Then, I'll email them over to you to put here on the thread. ( Thank you in advance ). Concerning your Demjansk, is it a first pattern steel stamped piece, or a later zinc award? My own is a Luft. backed zinc award. Any markings on the award on back? Four pin, or two. Blunt ends or slanted? What sort of backing material? The reason I ask so many questions concerning it, is due to this being one of the most reproduced arm shields, and is, in my opinion any way, the best reproduced one of the five major awards. I can usually locate the fine differences between an original and a reproduced piece on the other four, but the Demjansk gives me problems at times. I have only ever owned two of these that I deem to be good, both zinc type awards. Sam Goody, a member here who doesn't post much ( c'mon Sam, let's get moving here! :>), make a post ), located a first style stamped steel piece on Jamie Cross's sight that looks good, although I haven't seen the piece yet in person. Tough award to determine, the Demjansk at times. Be good to each other. Bill
Bill I try to answer your questions about my Demjansk shield and also post a picture. The shield is made of steel, has army backing cloth, four prongs and once had black paper. The other questions I don't know the answer. Maybe the picture helps.
Nice Demjansk my friend--if you don't mind me asking but--about how much did you pay for it? I'm looking for one myself. Also looking for a nice Kuban--the rest i'll pass on as they are way too much.
Volkbert - Sorry I have not got back to you on your Demjansk shield yet. I will email you privately. No problems, just working long hours, and dead tired. In general, I shot the pics tonight on the German small arms. I will get them cropped to size tomorrow night after work, and then, hopefully, by Wednesday, Volkbert will have them up and running. Wish I could post photo's directly guys, but you just have to be patient with me a couple of more days. I have to do it this way, and I appreciate Volkbert's assistence ( and patients with me ) very much. Thanks for your understanding all. Be good to each other. Bill
Carl - That KUBAN your talking about locating is going to run you more than a KRIM shield. Even in Luftwaffe, a KUBAN is more than a KRIM. I have knowledge of where a Luftwaffe backed KRIM shield is for $145 U.S. Now, if you're talking about a CHOLM shield, I'd agree with you, and like a dummy, I sold my only CHOLM, first pattern steel because it was Army backed! What was I thinking! Oh well, there's always something else coming down the pipe. Bill
Bill--thanks for the price quote--I did wonder at what a good price was for one. And I also certainly agree on more things coming through the pipeline--I sent you an email concerning 15 1939 ek2s. [ 24. June 2003, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: C.Evans ]
Update - I have sent the digitals of the German small arms to Volkbert. Hopefully, he will post them here soon, and once accomplished I will then give a brief summary as to what can be seen ( and hopefully appreciated ) here. Thank you. Bill
Hello Charlie - If you scroll down just a bit to the segment, "German small arms pics, the pictures", you'll see that there is a shot of my G43 with rail and sniper scope set up there. Bill