According to my search, he doesn't have his own thread.......well D****TT he should!! Speaking as someone who listens to Deep Purple, Skynyrd, AC/DC, ZZ Top etc I can truely say Miller is up there with the best............and doesn't he look like Jimmy Stewart..............????
Hilts, I'm a player of "Silent Hunter 4", the pacific WW2 submarine simulator. For a little authentic atmosphere, nothing beats a little Glen Miller, Benny Goodman or Duke Ellington in the background whilst playing this game. It's just the type of music that would have been plugged in to these servicemen whilst on their off hours, and it really does add to the flavour of the game, whilst torpedoing merchantmen or dodging a depth charge attack. People from the SH4 website even programme this style of music into the game itself, (the original soundtrack is dramatically orchestral and does not really fit our idea of what the average American submariner was listening to. Ever heard the rumor that Glen Miller died of heart complications?
Here you go. Listen and enjoy. Glenn Miller – Discover music, videos, concerts, & pictures at
Maybe during the re-configuration of the ww2f format that is ongoing as we speak, a "famous person" or a "person of interest" forum can be set up so that for example, a Glenn Miller fan can start a thread, and those interested can expound on it. Links to articles, music, etc can be added. Also, that may help with the kiddies who log on looking for someone to do their homework. Just an idea, hopefully a mod will take note and file this with appropriate authorities....
I'd like to start a threat on Glenn Miller, I have his MACR on what might have happened to his aircrarft. Is anyone isterested?
Want to find out about Glenn Miller. His MACR is #10770 which give no infon on what might have happened. However, "There are three main theories about what happened to Miller's plane, including the suggestion that he might have been hit by Royal Air Force bombs after an abortive raid on Siegen, Germany. One hundred and thirty-eight Lancaster bombers, short on fuel, jettisoned approximately 100,000 incendiaries in a designated area before landing. The logbooks of Royal Air Force navigator Fred Shaw[73] recorded that he saw a small, single-engined monoplane spiraling out of control and crashing into the water. However, a second source, while acknowledging the possibility, cites other RAF crew members flying the same mission who stated that the drop area was in the North Sea.[74][75]"
Perhaps were you bring this up with the staff in a far less obtrusive manner, assistance could be provided to you. As it is, I am somewhat disinclined offer help to someone whose first response is to "yell" at me and the other members of the forum.