A couple of weeks ago, I went to London with my wife. Among other things, I visited the IWM, and I can definitely recommend this if you have not been there. The museum is simply too large to cope in one day, so naturally I focussed on the two World Wars. Everything is very "multi-media" with things, you can see, touch and experience for yourself, i.e. a replica of an air raid shelter where you are packed with 20 other people on narrow benches in a cramped little room. The sirens wail, the room trembles and a voice try to calm the inhabitants while the AA artillery is pounding the enemy. Leaving the shelter, you are led thrugh a part of a street with destroyed houses, rubble and debris, buildings on fire, trapped people crying for help etc. Lifelike, but not too scary except maybe for small kids. Try it out ;-) Main hall The main hall is packed with all sorts of vehicles (Monty's tank is there, and a very nice T34), a 80 cm, 7 ton shell from the Gustav gun, a genuine V2 rocket - and a number of fighter aircrafts hang suspended from the ceiling in the five-storey hall. A photo album will be uploaded here soon. Colonial wars Other wars in Englands long history are also thoroughly described, but I did not have breath for more. Will definitely return to this fine museum. Café & Souvenirs The museum have a fine café, yet maybe a little expensive, but you can get various foods and drinks - and a much needed rest for your feet. The souvenir shop have all sorts of gadgets and a reasonably collection of books and video/audio disks. And to top it off - admittance is free, believe it or not. Not a standard habit among London museums ;-) IWM gets out of five possible! Dan aka wartourist